Parley: Snowflakes and First Kisses

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Remember: YOU are loved. YOU are cared about. YOU are thought of. YOU MATTER. Remember that. I love you guys!

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Some very serious Parley/Parkner fluff is happening.

Warning: Weather science may be inaccurate, I don't feel like searching up stuff right now.


Peter and Harley were taking a walk around the park in late November, their breaths making little clouds in front of their faces. They were holding hands, chatting about vines and things, from their funny STEM teacher to the kid they saw running around screaming that they were a pterodactyl. (I spelled it right except one letter, I spelled it like "ptarodactyl." Lol, I tried. Thank you, Grammarly {not sponsered})

They laughed and squeezed each other's mitten-covered hands. Peter pointed to a bench and they sat down. Peter was staring off into space as he talked, excited about what he was going to do in the lab later in the week.

They were talking about gingerbread houses (I'm in a mood, okay? I was reading a one-shot that takes place over Christmas, and although it's May right now, and I don't celebrate Christmas, but whatever, I'm in a mood. At my skating team's party we always made gingerbread houses.) and building a huge one with Morgan when they went to the tower for winter break.

"I want to build it like a model of a house and everything, just like Tony totally would. What if we even decorated the inside? Like we made one side open, so you could see inside the rooms, and..." Peter was rambling, making Harley smile at how much his boyfriend enjoyed coming up with this.

"-and what if we even had a little pool that we could put plastic inside so that it wouldn't get yucky and we filled it with... hmm... maybe melted chocolate? Or no... What about if we fill it with jello and we could use whipped cream to make wav-" Peter was cut off by Harley leaning over and kissing Peter on the lips, a short sweet kiss, before pulling away. Peter was blushing, even more than his cheeks were already pink because of the cold temperature around them.

Peter looked at Harly, his eyes wide, before smiling and leaning closer into his boyfriend, tilting his chin up to kiss him again. The kiss was more relaxed, Peter pulling away to lean his head on his taller boyfriend's shoulder, both of them smiling widely.

Just then, Peter felt something tickle his nose. He went cross-eyed in such an adorable way, it made Harley feel butterflies in his stomach. Peter looked up at Harley, blushing lightly and giggling as the snow started to fall around them. They gave each other one last kiss, before standing up and putting their hoods on over their head. They held each other's hand and started heading towards Peter's and May's apartment.

They walked there, giggling and squeezing each other's hands back and forth.

When they arrived, Harley stopped walking in front of the door and pulled Peter into a tight hug before kissing him sweeter and longer than they were before.

"I love you, Peter."

"I love you too, Harls."


When we would bring the gingerbread houses home, I would slowly eat the candy off of it little by little lol.

It's 500 words at least! I'm proud of myself!

I did a loop at ice skating today! Wahoo!

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Stay safe, and I love you all 3000!

- Shira


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