*Sneezes* God?

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Warning: written while sleep deprived and a few swears are in here.

It was Peter's first weekend staying at the compound after it was built, and he was pretty excited.

~Le Time skip because I'm lazy as fuck and it's *checks watch*11:23 pm and my phone is currently at 1% no cap~ (now I'm on my computer so that's cool, and I have no self-preservation... YEET!)

Peter was laying in his new bed that Mr. Stark had put in a new room that was there for him, and he still couldn't believe that he was there. Peter was staring off into space when he sneezed.

A "Bless you" was heard from the vents. Peter being sleep deprived, said: "God?"

"Wazzup, my names God, I'm eternal, and I never fucking learned how to read," Harley said coming into Peter's room to lay with him on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.

~Le story change, while currently having a dance party while I'm writing this to no music wahoooo~

Sam and Steve were out for a morning run, and before Steve could say anything as he passed Sam, he sneezed.

Bucky popped out of a bush and simultaneously said with Sam, "God bless America."

~screee physics sucks~

Tony was working in his lab when he sneezed, and Harley poked his head around the corner.
"Since when can the tin man sneeze?"
"Maybe he's rusty," Shuri said, walking past.


I found this in my drafts and am posting it cause I want to clear them out now. I wrote this five days ago from when I was sleep deprived and going through final exams and projects. This was a quick prompt and I can always create a part two if you guys want! Hope you enjoyed!

I will be posting more of my drafts this afternoon I hope, so yah! Keep reading people!

~ Shira

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