A Nap (Part 2)

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Peter heard someone yelling and so he jumped down and landed in his signature pose, not realizing until he had landed that there wasn't any emergency, just a bunch of his classmates staring at him with wide eyes. He stood straight back up. As soon as everyone got out of their shock, whispers started whipping around the room until Peter just said "Stop!"

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"What are you guys doing here?" He asked.
"I could ask you the same think Mr. Parker," Mrs. Dobbs said.
"Uhhh, I intern here."
"But why aren't you at school, Mr. Parker?"
"Um because I wasn't feeling good yesterday so I had stayed home. And I'm just getting over it so I was told I could stay home instead of going to school," he said in a rush.
"But that doesn't explain why you're here," Flash said snottily.
"Or on the couch just sleeping like that," one of his classmates piped up, Abe.
Peter was luckily able to quickly come up with something.
"I designed some tech with Spider-Man to be able to go on ceilings, and for an experiment I slept on the ceiling to see what it was like and see if there were any unwelcome side effects," Peter said nonchalantly, raising a few eyebrows at how casually he said all this.

"But that still doesn't explain why you were here, and not at home," his teacher said.
"You see," Peter replied meekly, "This is my home."
"Please elaborate, Mr. Parker," Mrs. Dobbs replied sternly.
It was at this moment that THE Tony Stark decided to walk into the room to check up on Peter.
"Well you see, Peter here lives in the tower, with us," Tony Stark said.
A chorus of whispers went around the room.
"With who?" Someone asked, obviously not putting two and two together that the Avengers sometimes stayed here too.
"With the, (Peter gets quieter) um, Avengers," Peter says, earning him a lot of stares.

Just then, Clint comes running into the lab and gasps are heard around the room in excitement that another Avenger is in the same room as them.
"Okay we need everyone to suit up! There's been an emergency," Clint says, and looks around at the class standing in the lab with Tony and Peter. He turns back around and says "C'mon, let's go!"
Peter turns to his dad with wide eyes, as if asking the unspoken question: "right here? Suit up right here, in front of everyone?"
Clint catches on and was about to suggest that Peter comes back upstairs to help them with the coms from the tower (which would have been a pretty believable excuse), when Natasha comes running in.
"Come on маленький паук, we have to go now," she says with an urgent look in her eyes.
Tony nods and looks at Peter who also nods and looks down at his bracelets on his wrist. He clicked the spider on the bracelets and his Iron Spider suit starts to form around him, with the metal feeling cool on his skin as the nanoparticles moved up his neck. Before it can form around his head, Peter gives Ned a wink and smiles. 
After his suit was done forming, with Peter still thinking it smelled like a new car, he ran with the rest of his family from the room doing a flip for the fun of it (and totally not to show off in front of Flash).
Once Peter, or Spider-Man, left, the room erupted into crazed conversations. Flash just had this look of horror on his face and his mouth was opening and closing like a fish.

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Peter was running on the walls near the ceiling to get to the rest of the Avengers as fast as he could so he wouldn't get in anybody's way.

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To be continued...
Any suggestions on what the adventure should be? I need ideas please!

And please leave your thoughts, funny marvel references are greatly appreciated.
And if anyone caught any references I made please comment on them! (There are two characters that I will be very proud if someone figures it out)

Until next time!
~ 𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨

Date: 3-29-21

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