A nap (part 3)

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Once Peter, or Spider-Man, left, the room erupted into crazed conversations. Flash just had this look of horror on his face and his mouth was opening and closing like a fish.

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Peter was running on the walls near the ceiling to get to the rest of the Avengers as fast as he could so he wouldn't get in anybody's way.

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There was a bomb that went off in an office building a little across town, that had destabilized the supports and was causing the building to collapse in on itself.
Peter was given information on the situation and was asked to help get people from high floors to safety but also to help keep the top floors together. Using his webbing, as he did for that bell tower in FFH, in the video above.

He tried to get as many people out as he could. Once Karen let him know that there weren't any more heat signatures left in the building and he got the okay from others, he swung his way around the building as fast as he could, webbing up all the cracks and everything in sight.

~ Time skip brought to you by PBS Kids! And Wordgirl! ~ lol

Once the mission was over, and everyone was safe, the Avengers headed back to the tower to wind down. Peter had forgotten about his class figuring out his identity until they got back, cleaned up, changed into pj's, and were all heading to the living room to chill and watch a movie together.

"Peter, and the rest of the super-secret-boy-band, your presence has been requested in the press-conference room," FRIDAY announced, and all the Avengers sighed. Nat put an arm around Peter's shoulders and told him to "быть сильным" (be strong) before kissing the hair on top of his head.

Then and there, in all of their pajamafied glory, the Avengers walked into the press room in their alternate persona's themed PJ pants laughing and talking as if this was nothing out of the ordinary. Except for Peter. He was walking stiff-legged and looked as if he was on high alert until Ned ran up to him and gave him a hug. MJ ran up behind him, waiting until Ned was done checking his friend over and them doing their handshake for her to hug her boyfriend.

"Oh my god Peter, are you okay? You scared me going into that building, Iwasnervousitwouldcollapsonyouand-" She was cut off by a hug and a quick kiss on the lips from Peter.

"I am all okay, MJ, I promise," Peter said, seriously, then giving MJ a small reassuring smile letting her know he was emotionally okay too.

"Thank goodness!" MJ said, pulling away from the hug. Ned started asking questions about the mission while Peter and MJ grabbed each other's hands, causing all the Avengers around them to make silent "awww" faces to each other as everyone walked over to the stage where the rest of their class was, along with the rest of the reality of their situation.

All at once, the gravity of the situation came crashing down on Peter's shoulders like a tsunami wave. His whole demeanor changed, his eyes became focused and serious, and he rolled his shoulders back and straightened his posture before giving a reassuring nod at Ned and MJ and walking over to his parents with the rest of his family.

His class had been talking and whispering and sitting in chairs in front of the stage, but all of a sudden they were silent. Peter took this opportunity to step up to the mic and start speaking. Peter was a lot more confident than the persona he used at school, which surprised a bunch of his classmates.

"Eh-em. Hi. Um... So how did you guys enjoy your trip so far?" Peter asked, a little more nervous now that he was facing his class. Receiving no response, he just went on. "So, what you guys saw earlier... any questions?"

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