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My fellow human beans, enjoy!
Also, if you haven't ever seen Tom Holland's lip sync battle performance, (you uncultured swine) go watch it! I used to live under a rock, and I've seen it. But don't leave, because the video is inserted in this chapter. Thank you! 😁

Ps: lol I don't even know.
Ship: Parley/Parkner


"Shuri? Wakanda nonsense is this?" T'Challa asked his sister when he walked into her lab. He showed her what he was viewing on a hologram. It was a video of Peter dancing to a song, and it had been posted on the internet. It had been filmed in Wakanda last weekend, and Shuri was in the video narrating.

- Time skip brought to you by: orange slices -

Harley and Peter were cuddling on the couch after school one evening, just keeping each other company as they were scrolling through their phones. Peter was looking at vines and cracking up while Harley was looking through YouTube for something to watch.
For both of them, overall it had been a pretty good day. Peter wasn't late to his classes, Flash had left him alone, and he had aced his geometry test. Harley was grateful to be able to relax.
Peter was currently watching the "FRE SHAVACADO" vine, when Harley started to laugh. He had come across this video of some guy dancing to "Singing in the Rain," and then dancing to the song "Umbrella." Harley kept laughing and Peter was wide eyed once he realized what his boyfriend was watching.
Harley was able to take a long enough break from laughing to catch his breath in order to airplay the video from his phone onto the tv in front of them. As soon as he unpaused it again, he started laughing so loudly that the rest of the avengers in another room came over to see what was going on.
As soon as they walked in, they looked from Harley laughing, to Peter's look of bewilderment, then to the tv, where a guy, who looked an awful lot like Peter, was dancing. They looked back and forth between the tv screen and Peter's face, before starting to laugh really hard.
Clint and Sam were rolling all over the floor crying while Bucky and Nat shared a look before they both whipped out their phones to see who could find it first.
"Is this what you were doing when you were in Wakanda last weekend?" Harley asked once he had calmed down enough to form sentences.
"Yes, that is exactly what our Meme King was doing last weekend," Shuri said as she walked in. T'Challa and Tony were following behind her and chatting, before realizing what was on the tv.
"What the FU-" Tony yelled before being cut off by everyone screaming "LANGUAGE!"
T'Challa turned to glared at Shuri. Shuri held her hands up and looked around as if to say "what did I do?"
"I told you to take that down earlier," T'Challa said.
"Well, I thought about it, and decided that I would either take that video down and post another video of you setting off your suit, or I would keep that video up in order to make you seem less embarrassed. And I put myself in your shoes and I thought that you would feel more upset if I posted the video of you, so I decided to post both anyways," Shuri said with a huge smirk on her face.


Hello. So I kind of am stuck on what to do next in this story so please comment your ideas on what I could write.
Some ideas I already have, but aren't sure how to do them:
-Peter could grab Harley and run to their room and they could try to take down all the videos;
But Harley could sneak and send the video to his own phone for later before letting Peter believe that they deleted all traces of it on the internet.
-Shuri could chase Peter out of the room. Could have other people involved in the chase, like Peter being with Harley, or Shuri chasing Peter and T'Challa chasing Shuri.
Why would they be chasing each other? Could they be after someone's phone that has something on it? Like an embarrassing video of Shuri?
Please tell me what you think in the comments, between those two and what do you think I could do to fit them into the story. Or if you have a different idea.
On another note, I am currently designing the back of a clipboard. I have drawn some little doodles in pencil so far. And I am planning on using sharpie to color it in and these glitter paint markers. I want to use a black sharpie to outline it but I want to still be able to see the outline when I color it in so I don't know what to do!

Have a great day everybody!

~ 𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨


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