Cousin Sergei

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Back with another chapter, school is hard.
I reached my storage limit on my phone with 58,000 photos during the concert I went to last night!

I got inspiration for this story from the head cannon above from 🎵✨PiNtErEsT✨🎶

Also this isn't 100% edited because I have 🎶No PaTiEnCe🎶


- skip past the fighting part: TO THE FLUFF-

"Sir, we're going to have to ask you to hand over Bucky Barnes." A government official said to Tony Stark. Bucky was currently sitting at a table with Peter and Clint, playing the card game BS. Every once in awhile, you could hear Peter whisper a quiet "bs." Clint had already tried to convince Peter to just say the swear word, but he wouldn't. He didn't want to upset his dad.

"Sorry man, I would love to, but he's not here," Tony replied.

Bucky, over at the table, was hearing this whole conversation, and sighed loudly when Clint called BS on him, earning the attention of the two adults standing across the room.

"He is sitting right there, across from a child playing cards."

"Oh, you mean Clint Barton? The last names do start with the same initial, so I can see how you could mix it up. But you really don't want him, he's clueless." Tony snarked. (Haha)

"No, the other man, with the metal arm," the government official corrected.

"Oh, him. That's my cousin Sergei."

As if on cue, Peter screamed "Bullshit!" Clint slammed his hand on the table, taking back a huge stack of cards from the middle.

Bucky started snorting at Clint's reaction, then started coughing, choking a little bit on air as he tried to catch his breath.

"Uncle Sergei, ArE yOu OkAy???" Peter exclaimed.

Bucky calmed down, and trying to reassure Peter who had gotten up and ran around the table to his uncle's chair, he patted his shoulder and gave him a warm smile. "I'm alright Pete, thank you."

Natasha walked over to the table and sat down in the empty seat next to where her nephew's was. "You should probably sit back down now so that when we beat Clint's ass at this game you can dramatically punch the air, okay Маленький паук?" Natasha told the kid in Russian.

"Got it, Мама Паук," Peter responded, sitting back down.

"I see you've been practicing your Russian," Natasha commented as he sat back down.

"It's getting better, Pete," Bucky responded, smiling at his nephew, who returned it.

"Mehhhh it's okay..." Clint commented, then smirked. "Okay, so back to me beating you all at this game..."

"That's not gonna happen, Uncle Clint. Мама паук said so. And what she says, goes." Peter remarked, becoming more confident now that Natasha was there to protect him from Clint's teasing.

Sam then walked in, grabbed a soda can from the fridge, and plopped down on the couch saying, "Sup, Sergei. What's poppin'?" Before taking a sip from his drink.

"The sky, birdbrain," Bucky responded.

As this was going on, Tony was trying to usher the government official out the door and into the elevator, because technically they couldn't prove that it was Bucky Barnes because he died back in 1945.

As the elevator doors closed, the government official could see Steve Rogers walk in and pat Sergei on the back, and say, "what's up Bu-" before the doors closed and started making its way down.

~Fast forward to the holidays~

The Pentagon received a holiday card that was signed with all of the Avengers, and had a picture of Bucky on the front with reindeer antlers on his head, giving a thumbs up with his left hand.

The end!
Lol I found this head cannon on Pinterest a while back and thought it was hilarious.

I've been really busy with school, because school takes up a lot of time. Thank you for reading this.

Earlier today I was texting with my friend and amazing author Olyimpianauthor in only old English lol
Go check out their book!!!

Also quick shoutout to my bean queens 👑 EvelynAmeliaRose and lisaturpin2020 who I miss their chats because I'm asleep ❤️✨👍

When I was younger Hawkeye was my favorite because I love archery.

Also, recently I've been wanting there to be a dabbing emoji because sometimes I just want to put a dabbing emoji in between every word: because yes.

Now I have to go finish my homework.

~ Shirah 💜

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