The Cons of Having Cereal for Breakfast

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WAZZAP MUNCHKINS IM BACK! I love nicknames in case you can't I'm experimenting irl. I name everything, mainly: Jared, Peter, Bob, and Jerry.

Okay so I wrote this a while back like the beginning-of-April-and-now-it's-the-end-of-May-while-back.
I have like 40 drafts it's flipping ridiculous *Peter does a flip* ~you clap and give him a standing ovation~ because I come up with ideas on the whim and then I forget about them. And I basically finished school: I turned in my essay just now so that's good. No more classes and I just have one last project.

Once I start figuring out all my drafts I'll take a few basic requests. I guess. But you can't expect them to all be done, so request what you REALLY want, as I am leaving for camp in four weeks and will be gone for two months. My entire camp friend group is on will we survive without Wattpad???

Message me if you want to talk! ❤️
I don't feel like editing it more so comment if there's a typo! Thanks!

Peter was eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes and frosted Cheerios while sitting in the kitchen, just spacing out. (What was he thinking about: tell me in ze comments, vine references are appreciated)

Clint walks in and shoots an arrow at Peter while he's eating as a joke, he knew it would pass him by a centimeter. He had also dulled it in order not to hurt him, because Natasha would kill him. Peter automatically flips and sits on the ceiling and continues to eat his cereal with his back turned. Peter didn't see that it was an arrow, his spidey senses had just told him to jump because there was something coming his way.

"What the FU-" Clint says.

*rolls end credits*

Just kidding ;)

"What the FU-" Clint says, before being cut off by a "Language" from the star spangled man with a plan as he walked out of the elevator and into the kitchen.

Peter was still sitting on the ceiling slowly eating his cereal as this was happening.

Nat walks into the kitchen, (it seems like everyone was waking up) looks at Peter, and then goes about and looks in the fridge as if it's nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hey, маленький паук, have you seen the milk?"

"Yah, it's on the counter мама паук," Peter said, still slowly lifting the spoon to his mouth.
Tony Stark walks into the room in his Spider-Man themed pajama pants, sees Peter and immediately puts his hands on his hips.

"Peter, what have I said about sitting on the ceiling? Get down, before Wong comes here with a broom!" Tony said giving Peter a pointed look.

Peter turned around at his basically-dad's voice and flipped down, doing two full flips and sitting back down on his seat.

"Not to do it when there are Avengers in the ro- hey! When did you guys get here?" Peter exclaimed looking up from his cereal bowl.

"Who do you think shot the arrow at you?" Clint said throwing his hands above his head.

"Oh it was an arrow. Cool. Okay, I have school soon so I'm going to finish my bowl of cereal and go get my stuff ready to leave," Peter said looking at Tony, who gave him a nod.

Sam just looked from Tony to Peter to Natasha, who he rose an eyebrow at.
"So is anyone going to explain what just happened, or are we going to pretend like it didn't?" Sam questioned.

"Oh. The kid's Spider-Man. I'm going back to my room, night everyone!" Tony said as Peter, after cleaning his bowl and putting it in the dish washer, walked over to him and Tony put his arm around his not-son and they walked out into the hallway together, leaving a bunch of their teammates' with their jaws open.
"If you all keep your mouths open like that, you'll catch flies," Natasha said before leaving the room too.

The Ned! Wahoooooo

I currently have a band-aid on my left thumb as I'm typing this on my phone and I can still type in here normally thank the Marvel gods.
My back is killing me {scoliosis}

Please chat me stuff, and comment! It makes my week and my day, and considering what has been going on right now, I could really use it! I love hearing your opinions and thoughts, and I use commenting on other's stories to put reactions and thoughts that I have, so please do that!

A pun for you:
[He][He][He]=Laughing Gas

So excited!
Oh and request ideas for Pride themed one shots please! I love those! (Will be writing Peter and Harley, and MJ and Shuri will be shipped if Parley/Parkner is happening.)

Also my hundreds of reading lists are of my sorting what I want to read, but if you guys are looking through, I suggest my list of "favs" or reading EvelynAmeliaRose  (Spidey, marvel, any of her other books, etc) or Olyimpianauthor  (for their book)

Also, one of my new fav songs is "Good 4 u" by Olivia Rodrigo, so go listen to it!

~ Shira 💗💗💗
Love you all 3000

This is draft number 28 no joke that's how many drafts I have and this is only from the start of April.

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