Ridiculus Rude Rogues (Parley 🏳️‍🌈)

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Okay. Hi Munchkies! So. I found this draft. Fully finished. And I guess I was going to post it a while back and I forgot about it. Whoopsie.
Anyways, I'm keeping the warnings and the end announcements the same, just underlining the originals so you fellow human beans know which were written at 1am.

I have a VERY important announcement at the bottom! 🙂

Warning: amazingness, Google translate, swearing, unworthy elevators.
Summary: Gayness 🏳️‍🌈

Italics = Russian


Peter and Harley were hanging out on the couch, snuggling currently, while Tony was in the elevator with the rouges waiting for them to arrive at the penthouse level.  They had been pardoned, and were moving back into the tower. Tony had forgiven them, and all was good. He still was a little on edge, but who wouldn't be when you were standing in the same small space as the person who almost killed you and then left you to die?

~back to Parley~

Peter and Harley were currently kissing each other, with Wild Krats playing in the background.

They were so invested in kissing that when the ding of the elevator arriving at the floor sounded, they didn't even notice.

"Mmhm," Steve cleared his throat as Tony just gave a quick glance over at the two and continued talking as if nothing was happening.

"Um, excuse us?" One of the rouges asked, voicing up what all of the currently-silent-rouges were thinking while staring at the two progressively make out.

"Who are they?" Wanda asked curiously.

"The one with brown hair is Peter, and the other one is potato gun boy, Harley. Why? Do any of you guys have a problem with them?" Tony asked, suddenly on high alert.

"Actually, yes, I do." A voice said from the back. Clint stepped forward.

"Oi! Why the fuck are you guys watching Wild Kratz without your fabulous Uncle Clint? How dare you guys!" Clint shouted to them, before running and jumping over the back of the couch.

"Because, birdbrain, we wanted to," Harley said with a smug smirk on his face as he pulled away from Peter for a moment, putting his forehead to his boyfriend's, them both taking a breath before kissing again like nothing was happening. Tony was just used to the very common occurrence of their pda, so he didn't do anything about it and just rolled his eyes before going to sit on the couch by them, before smacking Peter on the shoulder so they would stop kissing. "We have guests," he whispered.

The two stopped kissing and Peter turned around laughing nervously, Harley pulling him into his chest where he rested his head. He had honestly thought that it was just probably Aunt Nat and Uncle Clint, them being used to his and Harley's shenanigans.

"H-hi. I'm Peter Parker. Also known as your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man," Peter said, giving an awkward wave towards the rest of the rouge Avengers who hadn't moved.

"Hey Aunt Nat!"

"Hello, little spider," she said back. "How was school today, little spider? What are you doing this afternoon and would you like to spar with me later?"

"Sure, momma spider! School was good! And Harley and I were going to watch a bunch of movies later while we were in the lab. I would love to spar with you, but can we please do it tomorrow?"


Bucky and Wanda looked back and forth between the two, not expecting Peter to speak in perfect Russian back to Natasha.

"Papà, può Harley e io per favore andare al laboratorio ora? (Dad, can Harley and I please go down to the lab now?)" Peter asked his father in Italian, earning an eyebrow raise and a "Certo, tesoro (Sure, treasure)" back as a response.

Pete leaned over to Harley's ear and whispered to him that they could go to the lab now. Harley lifts both of them off of the couch, Peter wrapping his legs around Harley's waist and snuggling his head in the crook of his boyfriends neck.


Okay so it's currently 1 am and I just wrote this song (This is what I had typed wtf is song doing here?) like really tired so help me please

Okay, now onto the current time. And announcements:

This is going to be my last post besides an authors note that this book will be on hiatus for two months.

I'll miss you guys! Take good care of this book for me!
Lil' reminder: spread positivity. And, also these stories should not be copied anywhere else, and this book isn't on any other platform unless my account (ArcticMarshmallow) on Wattpad personally says otherwise.

I love you all 3000!

💜 Shira 💜
🏳️‍🌈 Happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈
😁 Be Happy! 😁

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

2 Month Hiatus

✨ 2 Month Hiatus ✨

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