Roll call

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Hey munchkies!

So there are references to Infinity War, and you can either read this as IW happened, but they stopped Thanos before he could snap because Thor went for the head, OR, you could read it as you the reader understanding the references and IW not happening in their timeline.

Warnings: The Avengers, Revengers, and The Guardians of the Galaxy. And teenage Groot.


Shuri and Peter were calling roll call for the avengers at a huge meeting. The Guardians, Revengers, and Avengers were all here.

"Starting it off with the most renowned scientist of our time," Peter said.

"Of course I'm here, and Pepper didn't even have to force me to come to this meeting, Bambi," Tony said smiling at Peter.

"Not you, tin can! He means the one with 7 Ph.D.'s," Shuri said, and Peter sent Tony a weak smile as an apology. Tony just shook his head smiling a little behind his facade that his not-son felt bad about it.

"He's gonna get you back for that," Sam said, smirking.

"No, I don't think he will, because I'll stop him," Steve said, then nodding to let Peter know to continue on.

Tony smirked and winked to Peter as if to say 'you'll see.' But they both knew that he would just give him a hug and they would laugh together about it in the future.

"So, Dr. Banner. Are you here or not?" MJ asked from off to the side, never looking up from her book.

"Here," he responded. Peter gave MJ a quick smile to thank her and she flipped him off, then going back to her book.

"Next we have, Shmaptin Shmerica."

Steve sneezed in response and Bucky said "God bless America," earning a few snickers from Clint, Tony, and Sam.

"Now, metal arm dude who wants plums?"

"Here, and no cookies tomorrow for you!"

"Hey, I didn't come up with that!" Peter exclaimed.


"Moving on we have Birdbrain number one," Shuri said.

"Here!" Both Sam and Clint said at the same time.

"I meant birdbrain number one," Shuri says, earning a smirk from Natasha.

"Still here!" Clint and Sam said, then glaring at each other.

"She meant the vent rat," Peter said, smiling his most innocent smile at Clint.

"That's vent crawling buddy to you, mister," Clint said, glaring back at him.

"Hey, wait! If you've also been crawling in the vents, does that mean it's you who's been leaving the air fresheners on the grates?" Pietro asked Peter, with an eyebrow raised.


A couple of "Oh thank you"s we're heard from the group, mainly from Natasha, Pepper, Wanda, Dr. Strange, and Rhodey. Steve gave him a nod and a smile. Peter just shrugged and said, "As someone whose senses are always dialed up to eleven, it's a lifesaver."

"Continuing on, we have Birdbrain number two," Shuri said.

"At your servi-actually no, I take that back! I'm here! Just here!" Sam said, catching his mistake, realizing that Peter and Shuri might just take that seriously and use that as an offer for him to do their bidding.

"Next we have мама паук," Peter said. "Here, маленький паук," Natasha said to her spiderling.

"Next we have both fast and weird," Shuri said with a raised eyebrow.

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