Safehouses and Spiderhumans

616 16 0

Peter coming home to his safehouse after a mission.

Peter and MJ are 32, the twins are 4.

Warning/s: Cuteness overload!

Peter was flying his quinjet home from the Avenger's Compound. He had gone to the medbay and gotten cleaned up, talked with Nat a bunch, and offered to introduce her to his family. Of all of his fellow team members, he was closest to Tony and Natasha. Natasha had figured out that Peter was a father as soon as he showed back up for the first time in three and a half months. She could just tell by the way he held himself and stuck closer to Tony, asking him questions in a serious manner, but he never losing the twinkle in his eyes. He had the sweetest smile on his face but he also had a newfound understanding of the world. He was also a lot more careful about his safety, not taking away his attention from other's safety, but he was less reckless.

~Fast forward back to the quinjet~

Peter was flying the quinjet while calling with MJ on speaker. Natasha was standing behind the doorframe listening to Peter and a girl talk on the other end of the line.

"I am not going to believe that you are 100% healed from your mission until I see you, okay?"

"Okay." There was a 5-second pause of silence before Peter started talking again.

"Hi to you too my little bugs! I'll be home soon, I promise, okay?" There was another pause.

"Sorry, even off speaker and in a different room they can still hear you talk to me on the phone," she said.

"We can thank my super-hearing genes for that!" Peter grinned.

"Yeah. Thank you, loser."

They could both hear a little voice from the other end of the line squeal, "loser!"

"Benny, Do not call your sister that! That is a mommy-only word," MJ said muffled.

"Okay, well, I'll see you soon," Peter said.

"Not soon enough. Okay, I love you. Stay safe." "I love you too, MJ. And will do. Bye kiddos!"

"Bye daddy!" The little voices responded.

Peter hung up the phone and sighed. Natasha waited a few seconds before walking in. "What are their names?" She asked.

"Ben and Annie," Peter said with a small smile on his face. "Also, the approximate ETA is 3 minutes," Peter said turning around grinning and giddy with excitement.

"I'll go pack, you enjoy your quiet time."

"Thank you so much, Natasha," Peter answered gratefully. Natasha just nodded in response and walked out of the room.

~4 minute time skip~

Once they gathered their stuff, the spider duo walked out of the quinjet in their suits. MJ walked out of the house holding up Annie in her arms and holding Ben's hand as she walked. They saw their dad and MJ put Annie down for them to run to him. Peter put his bags down and crouched with open arms for his kids. They ran into him and he lifted them up and spun them around. When they stopped spinning, Ben and Annie each took their hands and lifted up his mask to his forehead. Peter gave them each a kiss and said "Hi bugs!" before sticking his tongue out to Ben and kissing his daughter's nose.

"Hi daddy!" They both said back. MJ then reached the 3 other members of her family. She gave a quick peck to each of her kids, before doing a once over of her husband and deciding he looked well enough to give him a kiss.

"Hey Parker," she said.

"Hey 'Chelle," he responded, returning the smile she gave him.

Peter looked down at the twins in his arms."I have a surprise for you both! Do you want to see?" A 'Yes!' came in response from Benny and a 'Yes please?' came from Annie. Peter turned around to introduce Natasha.

"Okay kiddos, you remember the Black Widow?" Yes's were heard from the twins. "Well, this is Ms. Natasha, the Black Widow."

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Nasha," Benny said.

Natasha chuckles, "Nice to meet you too."

Peter turned to MJ and raised an eyebrow as if asking to go inside.

"Okay bugs, do you want to race in the gym after hide and seek? First, you have to clean off your feet unless you want me mopping the ceiling again," Peter asked his kids with an excited smile. They nodded enthusiastically. "You also both need to tell me how your day is going too!" Peter put down his kids, and counted down from 3. "Three, two, one, go!"

The twins started running and Peter gave them a five-second headstart, sending a smile to Nat and kissing MJ on the cheek, before running off to go catch up with his kids.

There's another story! This is one of the ones from camp, and while re-reading it, I was like "Oh! Natasha is the surprise! That makes sense!"

I died of cuteness while writing this the first time and even now and while I read it at any point.

Love you all! Stay positive! You matter!

 💜 ~ Shirah


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