About me 6-2-21

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About me because I feel like it. Here you go:


HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!!!!!!!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

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1. Mine is from when I was eight years old on my inner leg I got a scar from learning to ride my bike.

2. Tom Holland ◕‿◕

3. Not yet...

4. Coke.

5. My former bully of 5+ years

6. sparklefluph Olyimpianauthor Vivi27683

7. Actress or special education teacher.

8. Yes. Once.
And then he left me to ask out another girl but whatever

9. Two days ago, ish I think...shits been going down in my life so yahhhhh...

10. PURPLE!!!!!!!

11. Short as 🎶hell🎶

12. When I was born.

13. Blue/green/gray

14. Dirty blond, more brown though.

15. I love reading and being able to escape life. I love my family and friends and how supportive they are of me. I love you guys and all of the support I have been getting for this book.

16. MARVEL! Is that even a question?

17. To get rid of all of the hate in the world, the anti-semitism.

18. Yes. My family and friends.


20. Tom Holland Vlogger
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ask sparklefluph
Not me.
Or Savage Shira we can go with. Courtesy of my standing up to a mean girl in my cabin last summer.
I actually have a lot of nicknames:
Little purple ice skater

Chile anyways sooooo
Read the books on my favs list, those I recommend! If you're looking. If you're looking for a specific type of relationship with Peter Parker to read about, if you scroll through my lists I sort them for ones I want to read :)
I've officially come out to the world as pan. WAHOOO WE STAN A SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY YAYYYYY!!!!!!!
Anyways, I LOVE YOU GUYS 3000!
And thanks for 800+ reads! Yay!
~ Shira

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