Parley: Soulmates (Tennessee) ~ Request

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Wazzup Munchkins I'm baaaaAaAaCk!!!

(The photo above isn't mine, I got it off of Google, so credits to the artist)

With a soulmates request!
Requested by hayley_jh

Ships: Parley/Parkner ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Enjoy this chapter!


Whenever Harley looked at his soulmate mark, he always was confused by it. What is this supposed to be? A mask?

It always left him befuddled. That is, until one day when he found out about a new superhero called Spider-Man. Harley realized how familiar that mask looked, but he knew that he hadn't ever seen anyone wear it before.

Harley was staring at his computer screen in his lab looking at the news reel showing Spider-Man, when he looked down at his wrist. He looked back and forth from the photo on his screen to his wrist when he realized that his soulmate mark was Spider-Man's mask.

~Le Time Skippity~

Ever since then, Harley had been staying up to date with Spider-Man, trying to deduce traits about him apart from his hero persona.

"Harley! What are you doing?" His mom shouted from another room.

"Probably watching Spider-Man," teased his sister Abby. "He lovvvvvvves him."

"I do not!" Harley shouted back, crossing his arms over his chest while he leaned back into the couch. The tv was on, showing the news reports on the fight that was happening in New York City.

Harley turned off the tv and went outside and walked to his lab. He sat down in his chair and started typing something into one of his monitors, the current Spider-Man fight popping up, and Harley clicking on it.

~Time skip to a few days later~

Harley's phone started ringing, so Harley swiped it up to the holo screen in front of him, courtesy of Tony Stark, to check who it was.

"Speak of the devil," Harley muttered, clicking 'answer.'

"Hey there Potato Boy! How are you doing, because I'm great. I was wondering if you could come up to NYC for the summer to work in the labs with me? It'll look great on your applications for college. The only thing I would be waiting for is your mother's permission." Tony said, not missing a beat.

"I'm doing fine. Thanks for the hologram updates again. And I'll text my mom." Harley said, opening another window on his hologram.

"Those holograms are pretty great, aren't they? Anyways, I have a personal intern too, and I think that you guys will get along great."

Harley got a "ding!" letting him know that his mother responded. "She said yes."

"Okay, when school's out, I'll send Happy in my private jet to come get you. Got to go now! Bye!" Harley could hear a faint "Mr. Stark!" In the background before a click!

Harley swiped the projected phone screen to the side so he had more space to work on his current project.

~Time skip to Harley going to down into the labs the day he arrived in NYC~

"I have someone I want you to meet...Hey! Underoos! Come here!" Tony yelled across his lab to the curly brown-haired teenager working at a hologram desk.

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