Chapter 11

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Heya. I'm really sorry I haven't been updating lately. Just goin through stuff, you know how it is.


As I walked my usual route to school, my mind trailed off to what Toga had said. Then... my mind trailed off to Toga in general. And.... the very short-lived memories. ....yeah, let's continue.

Before I got to school, someone put a hand on my shoulder. I almost immediately started panicking. "Please don't be her Please don't be her Please don't be her" I repeated in my mind. I slowly turned around, and...
it was a boy with red hair.

"Oh- hey, Kirishima. How are you?"

"Heh, I'm doin' good! I just wanted to let ya know something. Y'know- before anything else. 2 things, actually."

"Ah- right... What are they?"

"Well- we're having another type of 'test' conducted by Aizawa for today. But it's more of a tournament-like test. Two students fight each other at a time, using their quirks to their full potential. At least.... that's how he explained it yesterday. I saw you fell asleep during the explanation, sooo... just thought I'd let ya know."

Well, that certainly was something good. I should have NOOO problem with that, right?

"And the other thing, we've got a new transfer student."

"Wait wha-"

"Yeah. Her name is... uhhh... crap, what was it? Started with an H..."

"(No... No, please no...)"

"Hailey! Hailey was her name!"

"Oh I almost had a heart attack..."

"Eh? Why's that? What's wrong??"

"Hm? Oh- n-nothing! Nothing at all! Hehehe..!"

Kirishima gave me a skeptical look, but shrugged and walked off.

I let out a sigh, wiping some sweat off my forehead. I took a deep breath, and walked into the school.

Time skip because I'm lazy

I'm walking through the hallways with a smile on my face. Hands on the straps of my backpack, a good feeling in my heart, and a slight hum. That's... when things went downhill quick.

As I was approaching the corner to my class, a door suddenly swung open in front of me, and a hand pulled me in so quickly I could barely even see the skin color, and the door slammed shut before I even hit the ground.

That's when I heard a voice....

"Yyyyyy/Nnnnnn~ *giggles* How lovely to see you~"

My eyes widen, and I quickly turn around to see...

"(Wait... Hot-pink pigtails... Green eyes.... the hell?)"

That's when I recognised the expression she had... of course it was her. Why wouldn't it be?

As I tried to back away on the floor, she walked closer to me, a somewhat demonic smirk on her face. Slowly, I was backed into a wall. Closer, and closer she got.... until suddenly....


"(She.... pulled me off the ground?)"

And in a split-second, she hugged me, heavily breathing next to me. And her words the second after... hoo-boy...

"I wonder what your skin tastes like~"

After she had said that, my immediate reaction was to sprint for the door, but she had already restrained my movement.

In swift movements, I felt her grip my buttocks and push against me, pinning me to the wall. She stared deep into my eyes, her teeth becoming sharp as razors. Slowly, she moved her mouth down, and...

I began moaning...? I felt... light smooches against my neck. It was like a massage, but... a little wetter. A blush crossed my face as she began dragging her tounge along my throat, throwing my head back and letting out a somewhat louder moan.

"T-T-Tog-ga.... I-I.... Wh-What if s-someone--"

Then she put a finger to my mouth. She simply smiled and giggled, giving me a spank, forcing a yelp of ecstasy out of me. I had never thought there was any feeling quite like this.... Even if I should have found out about this before, I tend to stay away from the internet. And video games... I thought it would interfere with my training.

"I've always had the thought of doing this to you, Y/N.... Now I finally get to make you MINE...."

She says, suddenly biting into my neck, her razor-like teeth sinking 1&a-half inches deep. I let out a bit of a yell of pain, but a moan infused with it, beginning to tear up. I couldn't do anything to resist, though. Even if she was gripping my ass, she still had her arms tightly restricting mine. I had no choice.

"T-Togaaa...! It... It r-really hurts...!!"

I had to try to get out, or else something bad might happen to me... or someone will find us.

But- suddenly, Toga pulled her teeth out, going back down and wrapping her mouth around the wound, sucking on the blood that was oozing out, and running her tongue along it. That feeling made me shiver with delight, as if all of my worries in the world disappeared.

After she pulled her mouth off of me, she giggled, looking into my eyes.

"So, tell me.... How did that feel~?"

I was practically speechless. I stared right back into her eyes. Slowly, I felt her hand from my buttock slowly drift around, and to my front, dragging her hand up my thigh, under my skirt, and then....

Now you'll never know what happens until I publish a new chapter!!

Let's go Sadism!!
Torturing people with suspense!!

Himiko Toga x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now