Sorry lmao

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Yeah I know I should be writing another chapter instead of this BS, but you get the jist by now. I have literally ZERO idea on how to continue this, since this has basically gone down the path of an ask blog turning into some lore-ridden series by now.

So I wanted to ask you guys a few things, and also add a little surprise at the end of this "chapter".

1.) Should I just play this off as nothing ever happened? No monster in Angelo, no major announcement, just one big ol' dream that Y/N had, and just continue with all the fluffy stuff and the smutty goodness with the yandere bae?

2.) Should I, instead, find some way to play this scenario all the way through, and still insert Himiko Toga as Y/N's... well, you get the picture there- but do you really want me to continue this whole "monster/demon" thing?

[Comment 1 or 2 in the comments to vote. Explain why or why not, only if you want to! (Any other comments are fine, btw.)]

And now, for the "surprise" or whatever, heh.

Thank you guys so much for reading this random-ass book. I'm honestly shocked at how popular this has gotten. It's even (previously) been ranked 17th out of like SEVEN THOUSAND books tagged "himikotoga". Like I said, previously.

But still, it really makes me feel like I've helped entertain so many other people despite this being a suggestion from one of my friends. I just wanna let you know, I'm glad to have made ya all smile at one point or another. No matter at what points or when, I'm glad either way.

Anyway, I shouldn't take up too much of your time. Until the next one, stay awesome you guys. Peace. 👋☺

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