Chapter 12 (redo)

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This chapter is probably gonna be shit since I'm not really in an aroused mood, but it's probably gonna be better than what I wrote before since I was out of fucking ideas.
Enjoy, I guess.

...I felt two of her fingers slowly being inserted into my vagina, and-

"Mnngh.... T-Toga-AH-aaa...."

The sensation was completely new to me. I felt my cheeks heat up like crazy and her soft breaths hitting my lips. She giggled, leaning forward slightly, lovingly locking my lips with her's as she worked her fingers more aggressively inside of me.

"Mmph! Mmh! Mmmm!"

Muffled moans and whimpers were all that left me, losing myself in my thoughts as I was being fingered by the woman I had fallen for. But how am I going to hide this? What should I do to keep this a secret from everyone? Surely someone will find out it's her...

Before I could contemplate this anymore, Toga gave me a spank with her other hand, staring deep into my eyes and jerking her fingers deeper in one thrust, snapping me out of my thoughts and letting out another yelp of ecstasy.

I feel her free hand slowly drifting up my back, coming around and gently gripping my clothed, right boob... but then aggressively tearing the fabric of my top off, yanking my bra out of the way as she finally broke our kiss, allowing me some air.

But then, I saw her going down as she giggled, another devilish smirk on her face as she wrapped her lips around my bare, erect nipple. Before I could utter a single word, she began sucking on my tit wildly, licking the tip of it just to tease me as she tortured my nervous system with her ferocity. I felt like I was gonna faint; I had never experienced such a feeling like this before. Was this what being in love involved? Or... was this just part of Toga's plan the whole time?

Regardless of my contemplations, my soon-to-be lover snapped me out of them, giving me a sudden burst of pleasure by twisting my other nipple and forcing a loud and extended whimper out of me, blushing intensely as I gripped her head, my fingers pressing against her scalp and tugging at her hair, begging for her to stop so I could get a bit of time to catch my breath, completely new to this feeling.

To my surprise, she pulled away after a few seconds of my physical pleas. I quickly take this opportunity to try my best to regain my composure, knowing that Toga was going to try something else at some point soon, shutting my eyes tight and bracing myself. But the longer I waited... nothing seemed to happen. Hesitantly, I opened my eyes.

Toga was just... standing there. Staring at me with that sweet smile... The same smile she's shown me so many other times... A soft yet clearly visible blush crossed my face as she cupped my cheeks into her hands, and slowly leaned in... She closes her eyes, and I do the same... and I feel our lips connect with a warm softness that I knew only a true love could give me. I lean into the kiss, using the small amount of energy I had to return the kiss, turning it into a passionate make-oit session.

She breaks away from me after an ecstatic 20-second lock, and we both share a giggle and smile.  "Soooo.... how was that, sweetie~?" Toga asked me, flaring her eyebrows as if trying to flirt with me. I take a second to catch a breath, and respond. "Incredible..." I say, panting and almost out of breath. "I'm so glad! From now on, you are mine... and THAT means..." She grips the collar of my shirt, pulling me extremely close to her. "'re gonna come with me right now, baby~"


Reeeeaaallllly sorry about the delayed upload... I've just been going through a lotta shit lately, I won't get into it, though. I don't wanna waste your guys' time.

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