Chapter 13

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Hi. Hey. How ya doin. Hope you're havin a good day. Alright, on with the chapter.

[And, if you like DDLC, I recommend heading over to my account's works category, you'll find some things interesting =)  ]


Toga picked me up by the waist, hoisting me over her shoulder and opening the window, hopping out where the man with a purple aura-like appearance was standing. My eyes widen, as does his, and I hear a groan come from him.

"No wonder you said this wouldn't be a pleasant meet-up..." He says, face-palming. Toga simply giggles, and eagerly responds.

"Come on, hurry up before someone sees us!!" She says hastily, leaving me confused until I see him open a portal, now giving me concern, worrying where they're taking me now. Was this a mistake? Should I try to escape? Why did I trust her in the first place?

My mind is clouded with thoughts and contradictory feelings, until we actually go through the portal. It looks like a dimly-lit bar with a bulletin board to the right, and a metal door with a small, rectangular slot to the right of the bulletin board.

Toga smiles and happily skips over to the bar stand, sitting down on one of the bar stools and sitting me on her lap, placing her hands on my hips.

"Hehehehehe.... You're mine now, Y/N~
You're going to become one of us, whether you like it or not~" She says, now gripping both of my wrists and pinning me to the counter, making my concern skyrocket, beginning to struggle.

Toga giggles, pulling out a vial with a needle, only encouraging me to struggle more, but to no avail.  "I just LOVE a prey that struggles~ eheehee~" She giggles again, only making me struggle more.

But to my surprise, she stabs her own thigh, letting out a quiet moan, grinning and pulling her own blood out of her. Upon removing the needle, she stares at me, flipping me over and keeping me pinned to the counter.

"Don't worry, honey... This will only hurt a bit~" She says in a sugary sweet tone, moving the needle towards my waist. I don't struggle, simply letting fate take its course, as I know I won't be able to escape, surrounded by other villains in this place.

Her needle enters my chest, making me utter a slight moan before she pulls out another needle, sticking it into my own thigh as well, making me shudder with pain as she takes out an equal amount of blood compared to her own, putting the needle into her chest as well, injecting the blood samples into each other at once.

This leaves me confused and shocked at the same time, Toga now letting go of me and allowing me to sit up, but pulling me forward to sit me on her lap. She giggles softly and gives me a kiss, but I pull away.

"Wh-What the hell was that..?!" I ask, still shocked by this sudden turn of events.

Toga chuckles at me, putting a hand to my cheek. "Y/N... You're mine now... Which means I have to officially make you mine.... I exchanged a bit of our blood so it can multiply inside of each other, and eventually, we'll be bound by blood.... Of course, it won't be incest. I just needed to ensure that you stay mine~ =)"

I'm taken aback by that explanation, and a blush soon crosses my face. I look to the side, putting a hand to my chest, but she quickly grips my chin, smirking and pulling me closer to her, kissing me roughly and pushing me against the counter top again, playing with my exposed boobs, making me moan into the kiss as she puts her hand between my legs, rubbing the penetrated spot, making me whimper and shake with a bit of ecstasy, still being new to the feeling of that sort of thing.

"I'm going to make you feel special every day.... You're going to be moaning my name every day.... But, of course-" Toga puts a hand to my cheek, giving me a soft smile. "I'll always be there for you when you need me. I'll help you through whatever you want me to. I'll give you cuddles every day, I'll spend time with you every day; I'l never put a single thing before you. Because I love you, Y/N."

Himiko's words made me blush more than anyone or anything could ever accomplish, turning almost my entire face red as I can feel tears starting to form, a smile growing on my face as I immediately hug her. "I'll always love you, Toga... You truly were the one for me... You came into my life, saved me from the guy robbing the café, opened up a more passionate side of me...."

"I know your type, Toga. I know why you did what you did those few days.... and I forgive you. My brother won't... and my parents won't if they find out. But I do. Because I love you too, Himiko. And nothing will ever change that."

We share a long, passionate kiss; one filled with all the desire and motivation that I will ever experience for the rest of my life, now picking up Toga myself for a change, giving her a smirk.

"Why don't we take this somewhere more... private~?Toga giggled and nodded, wrapping her arms around my neck.  "Yes please, Mistress L/N~"

We share a giggle as I jog down to the side rooms, determined to show Toga as much love as she described in perfect detail to me, ready to give her the best damn night of her life.


Heya. Sorry to cut this chapter short, but I'm just really tired ATM and kinda winged it here. I'm not that good of a writer, so just bare with me, here. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, and I will see you next time.

Himiko Toga x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now