Chapter 22

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Greetings. Welcome to the end, my friends. It's been fun, but... nothing lasts forever. This plot may be scuffed and not make sense, but hey. My writing isn't that good.

I sincerely hope you've had fun reading this book, because.... you know it had to conclude eventually.

As always, this is being depicted from Y/N's POV... to put it simply, yours. She is currently sitting on her bed.

A couple months after my... for a lack of a better description, "induction" into the LOV, I've decided to not let Toga be so controlling of me for now on. We're in an actual RELATIONSHIP now, right?? We're supposed to be equals, do things together, and not... just force things onto each other. She's been rather pushy lately.


(Setting: Shopping Mall)

Toga: Oh Y/N~ Try this outfit on! *holding up literally a bra and a concerningly short skirt*

Y/N: Toga... You know I don't like wearing skimpy stuff like tha-

Toga: Pleeeaaase~? Just this one time~?

Y/N: Wh-What do you mean "this one time"? You've given me like fifteen different bikinis and miniskirts!

Toga: Oh come onnnn, you know you like wearing 'em~

Y/N: Himiko, I am not wearing anything else like that in publi-

Toga: Oh really? Do you want me to RAVAGE you like I did back then~? Hmmmmmmm??

EnD oF fLaShBaCk

I shivered thinking about all the people giving me weird looks.

As if the timing couldn't be worse, the blondie that fate threw onto me opened our bedroom door. Himiko practically peer-pressured me into being her roomie...

I let out a sigh and stand up. "Listen, Himiko. We need to talk." "Huh? What's this about? ...*GASP* Is this about the bikinis? Did one of them rip??"

"Wh- no, no! It's about our relationship, Toga! You've been really... ergh, forceful about the kinds of stuff you want me to do. Don't take this the wrong way, but- you never really let me make my own choices. You always just make them for me!"

Toga just tilts her head with a blank expression. "Hm? What do you mean? I thought you liked me being bossy?"

"During sex! When we're alone! Together! Ya know, non-publicly?! Plus the fact that whenever I go out, you always make me wear nothing else but miniskirts, bras, panties or crop-tops! Nothing in my closet is a normal shirt or pair of pants except my pajamas! I can't just go along with this anymore!"

Himiko glares at me as I rant about this, and she puts a hand on my shoulder. "Well, if you don't like how I'm treating my precious little darling, then why don't I... give you some looove~?" She says as she attempts to seduce me once again with a lick of her lips.

I scoff and shove her hand off. "You keep trying to tempt me with sex to get away with all of this, but that's not how it works! You can't just expect me to keep going with all this... non-consensual exhibitionism and... living my life how you want me to! I can barely even text someone without you getting suspicious of me! Kirishima's been blowing up my phone and you won't let me tell him I'm at least OK!"

"He doesn't need to know that! I know that and that's all that matters! He doesn't deserve to talk with someone like you! He doesn't love you like I do!"

"Because he's just my friend!! An actual close friend that I care about! He's been there for me when I was at the lowest points in my life!!"

"You have me now!! I'm all you'll EVER need, Y/N!! Why can't you see that I'm only doing all of this for you!?!"

"What, making me a victim to the prying eyes of perverted men and judgemental women?!? You won't even let me take a selfie without being in the camera!! How selfish can you BE?!?"

"SELFISH!?! I give you all the love, affection, and attention you could ask for, and you call me selfish?!?"

"Oh, and by 'love, affection, and attention', you actually mean sex, being within 10.meters of me at all times, and never leaving me alone for more than 5 minutes!?"

"I am your LOVER!! I can be as close to you as I want to! I need to be close to you, Y/N!! Do you know what it's like not knowing what could happen to you if I'm not there to protect you?!?"

"This is a building that has no purpose at all!! What could EVER happen to me?! You aren't even thinking about this logically!!"

"Oh, I'M not? You're the one who's not realizing just how much I do for you to keep you safe, healthy, and loved!! How can you not see that I'm just doing what's best for you?!?"


Silence. Complete and utter.... silence. Himiko's just staring at me, in disbelief. The faint sound of Twice saying "Daaaayyuuummmnnnn" can be heard.

I let out a light huff as I brush past Toga.

"....I'm leaving. And I'm not coming back. You don't know how relationships work."

With the most I can wear around my body, I walk down stairs and through the bar, the League members glance at me, but don't say a word. I feel a stare in the back of my head, but I don't address it.

As I return home, I felt like my mind was flipped around, a hole torn into my chest.

With a shaky breath, I reach for the doorknob, and....


I feel the sharpest pain I've ever felt in my life pierce my back, and rip through my chest. I look down, blood streaming from my mouth already. A steel blade, driven through my skin.

"If I can't have you...."  The weapon is soon torn away from me, forcing a violent series of blood-filled coughs to occur.

"....NO ONE CAN."

I lay on the ground, hopelessly choking on my own blood as Toga stands above me, laughing maniacally. She pulls me onto my back, climbs on top of me, and....




Come now, did you really expect a happy ending? With a story as screwed up as it has been in the previous chapters? Hmhmhm.....

Oh, naivety. It sure has its charms. But now, you've reached the end. This book, has reached its end. It all started out as an innocent little request from a good friend.... but the sweetest things turn sour by nature.

Tragedy has its ways of catching you off guard, doesn't it? Well now, I've kept you for too long. Go forth, read some other books. For this one has disappointed you.

Tata for now, darlings. Who knows? Maybe a sequel is in order....

No it really isn't, I'm giving you false hope.

Himiko Toga x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now