Chapter 10

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It's been a full 24 hours now. Angelo hasn't recovered yet. Clearly that was expected. Mom was frantic about the whole situation, but I explained it all to her. I didn't tell her about my relationship with Toga, though...

I was sitting on my bed, just staring at the contact on my phone, labeled "Blonde Beauty". I was scared of what might happen if I called her. She's evil, and I'm trying to be a hero... so why? Why am I still hung up on her? She attacked my brother! I should hate her!

I threw myself onto my back, laying down on the bed. I gripped my head, my mind filled with thoughts and clouded with complex mixes of feelings. I couldn't think straight, and I didn't even know what I should do even right now. I could feel a tear forming in my left eye. Slowly, I wiped it away, letting out a sigh. But that feeling soon grew, and before I knew it, I was beginning to cry. I tried to stop, but I couldn't stop thinking about her... about what she did...

Despite my thoughts against it, I gripped my phone, and went into my messages. I immediately texted Toga.

Y/N: ...hey

She responded almost immediately.

T: Hey there, cutie!! 😙❤

This took me by surprise, but I had to stay calm. Not like I'm already emotionally unstable... I got to the point quickly.

Y/N: Why did you attack him?

T: Attack who, love?

Y/N: My brother! I saw you attack him!!

T: Whatever do you mean?

Y/N: You!! I saw you with a knife!! You cut my cheek!! I sent her an image of my open wound.

T: What? You must be imagining things! That is never something I would do~

Now this was starting to get annoying. I grit my teeth and looked at the call icon. "...fuck it." I thought, imemdiately pressing it.

Her voice rang as soon as she picked up.


"Cut the chit-chat. Explain."

"Whoa-ho~ Feisty... I like it~"

"Grrr... stop it. I know you're just acting flirty to cover up for what you did. I'm not falling for it."

I said, tears beginning to form again, but I'm trying to fight them.

"Oh, don't be like that~ You must be deliriou-"

That's when it snapped. The tears began falling, and I slammed my fist onto my bedside table.


That's when I caught what I said.

I know this sounds like some stupid cliché... and it kinda is.

All I could hear was a few slight stutters from Toga. Then a quiet giggle.

" you felt the same way."

I only heard more giggling after that. Then... the call disconnected.

"Toga? Toga?!?"

I slammed my fist into the wall, more tears falling from my face.

I slowly sank into my bed, softly sobbing.

"....dammit... Toga....."

My phone rumbled, and I felt as if I should just throw it away. Regardless, I looked up at the message she sent me.

"See you at school tomorrow, sweetie~"

At school...? What could she possibly mean by that?

Little did I know, the answer was right fucking in front of me...

Heya. So... I'm back, I guess.
Sorry if this chapter sucked. I'm a pretty lousy author.
Aaaaand I kinda switched the perspective of the story to something like telling it from the viewpoint of the protagonist's future self or some shit...
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