Chapter... 19? Idfk...

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Yeah yeah, you get the idea. Yadda yadda, I just forgot about this a lot, typical Wattpad bullshit.... I swear like, half of my followers are from the viewers of this book lol
Kinda ironic how it has thousands of views while I have under a hundred follows. Anyway, enjoy the revamp of this bullshit storyliiiine!

I immediately gasp, bolting up in a cold sweat. Realizing... I'm in someone's bed. I let my vision adjust for a few moments, feeling a blanket over my legs. Looking around, I almost immediately feel Toga's hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, hey... what's wrong, Y/N?" She seemed... genuinely concerned. I can't believe what I had just been through. Was it... actually all just a dream?

"I- I-I dunno, I just.... fuck... I just.. had some kind of nightmare... I-I guess...." I say nearly breathlessly. Toga chuckles, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me back down.

"It's alright, Y/N. I'm here for you..." She says in a soft tone, giving me a kiss on the cheek. A light blush lights my cheeks up, and I giggle in response. "I love you, Himiko...." I say as I wrap my arms around the blondie.

"I love you too, Y/N.... Forevermore, you will be mine~ tehehe!"

Toga says in a rather... sinsiter tone. My blush intensifies by her words, her hand caressing my back as she pulls me closer.

"Mine, forever.... and ever...." Now Himiko grows that signature grin, her fingertips beginning to press into my backside. What's happening right now?

"T-Toga... Wh-What are you- mmph!!" She immediately pulled me into a deep, lustful kiss, cutting me off, and shoving her tongue directly into my mouth.

I'm not even given a chance to squirm before she bites my lower lip, pushing her thigh up against my bare crotch. I let out a strained moan, letting Toga smack her lips against mine once more.

She starts grinding her knee on my clit, forcing blissful, muffled sighs of pleasure, her hands circling around to my chest.

It's not long before I can already feel her teasing my nipples; circling her fingers around the sensitive buds, tapping against them and squishing the skin, but never directly attacking them. I knew what she wanted... and she knew I did.

As Himiko broke away from the kiss, I let out a defeated groan. "P-Please, Toga...." I spoke, hoping she would be forgiving this time.

"What do you mean, honey~?" She immediately responded, giggling. Toga knew I would crack eventually.

"Please... uuugh... Please, s-stop teasing me..." I said again, hoping to get off easy.

"Come on Y/N, I don't know what you're talking about~" Of course she would do this....

"Please.... Stop teasing me and fucking pull my nipples already!!" I blurted out, immediately met with the sensation of a ferocious yank on my chest, pulling me up to a sitting position.

"You naughty girl... Using such language in front of your girlfriend...." Toga says, pulling me off of the bed and putting me on my knees. "Someone oughta teach you a lesson!" She says, pushing my head on the ground.

Momentarily, her hand slams against my ass, forcing a euphoric yelp out of me as she leans closer to my ear. "Did that feel good, you dirty little whore~?" She whispers, giggling as she raises her hand again.

Without even bracing myself, I feel the sting of her hand strike my other buttock, arching my back with an ecstatic grin, drooling slightly.

"Mo-Mommy!!" I'm immediately met with her hand pushing my head back down, Toga whispering again. "That's mistress to you, my love~ hehehe!"

She raises my head back up, pulling me into a warm and passionate kiss. "God, she's relentless...." I think, feeling her roll around my tongue, flopping it around like a piece of paper.

My mind is racing with nothing but thoughts of her utterly dominating me, grinding against me as if she owns me. As if she couldn't be more assertive than she already was.

Once again, Toga changes our position, throwing me onto the bed, only my upper body laying on it. She grips my hips and gives me a smack on my thigh, smirking as she reaches under the mattress, and retreiving a strap-on dildo from beneath.

(Penetration is all I can think of right now, alright?)

"Are you ready~?She asks, pressing the tip directly against my 'entrance'. I was full-on shivering from the sheer excitement that she spoiled me with earlier, I could barely process what she was about to do.

Without another thought, I nodded. And that's the story of how I lost my virginity to a simple plastic toy. "KYAAAA--"

Himiko immediately slammed inside of me, making me cry out in an insense mixture of delicious torture. The bleeding wasn't completely unbearable, but it wasn't exactly all pleasant.

"T-Togaaa!! A-Aaahhh!!!"  The blondie wasn't hesitant with her thrusts, but she wasn't so mindless as to force her way deeper. She reared back gently, and pushed forward in quick succession. It seemed as if she was even amused by my cries.

"That's right, baby... Say my name~She whispers to me, leaning forward and biting down on my neck.  "Kyaa!!"  Yet another disturbed shout of painful bliss, more blood dripping from my body. With every drop, she collected it with swift movements, somehow with an even faster thought process.

I could barely even think at this point (based), as if Toga knew how to get me to be nothing but submissive towards her. And here I am, thinking about how I thought I was dominant...

"Moan for me, babygirl....She says, picking up the pace. I could feel my cervix getting battered with each thrust, making my sighs and groans turn into grunts and whimpers, starting to tear up from the overwhelming sensations coursing through my body. My mind couldn't keep up with all of this!

"Dirty...*pound* fucking... *pound* girl... *crack*" "M-Mommyyyy!!!!"  I suddently cried out, feeling my cervix burst as her strap on suddenly screwed itself into my womb, exploding cum onto it in an instant.

I could barely even breathe; my pants were almost completely gone at this point. My whole body was sore, and on top of this, I couldn't move a muscle.

Toga giggled as she pulled the hunk of plastic out of me, smeared in my juices, both red and white. Regardless, she tossed it aside for now. She was going to clean it later.... right? R..Right?

And there ya go people, 2nd part of whatever-the-fuck-this-sex-scene-is!
Hope y'all enjoyed yerselves at home.
See ya. Have a nice day. ✌

Himiko Toga x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now