Chapter 20 continued

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I'm in school. I'm kinda horny. Whatevah. Have fun readin ya freaks lol


In an instant, I feel her hand dig even deeper somehow!! She's forcing her entire fist inside of me!! I immediately cry out in pure overwhelmingly mind-fucking pleasure. Even muffled, the LOV could hear me scream my heart out as Himiko only just begun to fist the everloving fuck out of me!!

"HHHMPH-- MMMHK-- MMMHHHFFF---"  I cry my lungs out as Himiko mercilessly pounds her knuckles into my womb, penetrating it with each lunge! I can't think, I can barely breathe, I can barely even feel my own fucking legs!!

She finally breaks away from the kiss, the same maniacal expression on her face. She only stares into my eyes for a couple of seconds, breathing heavily, before she throws her head down and digs her teeth into my right shoulder!

"KYAAAAA!!!"  I scream, feeling her canines stab into my skin and make my blood flow even faster. She sucks furiously on the wound, making my legs kick as she consistently fucks me with her own fucking fist!

Without even taking a second to let me breathe, she's licking up the blood falling down my chest, slapping her other hand on my tit and squeezing it tightly. I instantly arch my back even harder and shout louder, feeling like I'm being fucked from every angle.

"FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK!! PLEASE!! HIMIKO!!! STOP!!! PLEASE!!! FUUUUCK!!!"  With every ounce in my body I begged for her to stop, but I knew she wasn't listening. Her hand never got slower, her grip never loosened, and her teeth never withdrew. I was being raped. And even if I didn't know it, I liked it.

Himiko finally took her teeth out of my neck after another mindless 2 minutes of pure ecstatic crying and screaming. But she obviously hadn't finished. Nowhere near it. I had already came 5 times, what could she possibly want next?!

She smacked her lips against my nipple, clenching her teeth around it and resuming her furious sucking, now draining me of all of my energy. Her hand was drenched in my pussy juice, but she was going to milk me past the point of being dry. I couldn't beg, I couldn't move.... I was helpless.

I layed there almost motionless as she used my body, giving me overly intense orgasms and mind-exploding sensations.... She wouldn't even let me pass out. She wanted me to feel every. last. touch.

The minutes turned into an hour of full-on sexual torture. She was eating me out like a goddamn lightning strike, her hands squeezing the holy fucking Christ out of my tits, making me squirt all over her face several times, and she didn't even flinch. Her eyes were dead set on my own, and she had my head up against the bed to make sure she could bore her glare into my soul, and I felt her do so. She bound my soul to her's with a stare, and in that moment, I thought....

"...where have you been all my life?"

With one last orgasm, I raised my hips higher, crying out the final breaths I had to muster before ultimately crashing down, my hips falling with a thud as Himiko stood there, on her knees with my calves pressing against her shoulders. My lips were dry, my pussy was sore, and my tits were throbbing. I could feel everything and nothing at the same time. Himiko made me her absolute bitch, and she fucked me into her soulmate.

I fell unconscious, finally being able to have a rest after the countless orgasms that were forced out of me...

13 hours and 26 minutes later....
🥒Futa Warning🥒

I wake up to the sound of vague moaning. As my vision slowly adjusted, I saw a cock thrusting itself into my mouth. And then... slowly, my sense of touch returned to me. It was thrusting into my throat!! I immediately jumped back, but realized I was laying down. I had nowhere to go.

I looked up and saw... Himiko?! She was thrusting a cock on her own body into my throat?!?

"Good morning, sunshiiine~ teehee! A-Aah~ hah~"  Her light moaning continued, feeling her dick dig even deeper into my mouth, making me gag violently, choking me with her shaft. 
"I hope you don't mind.... I used a bit of a blood sample from Kiribae to use his little buddy on you~ ahuhuhu!!"

"Kirishima?!" I thought, realizing exactly what she meant.... She was making me deepthroat Kirishima's dick!! I couldn't do anything to stop her.... or rather, my body wouldn't let me do anything. Somehow, despite being basically taken advantage of... I didn't want her to stop. She had bent my mind to her will!

Her thrusting continued at a quickened pace. I could feel the cock pulsate and throb in my mouth. Without so much as a word of warning, Himiko grunted, and furiously shot a load of thick sperm directly into my throat, catching some on my tongue in the process. I choked on it whole, making the girl above me grin and giggle once again.

She pulled the shaft out and let it disappear, plopping down next to me and letting out a huff. "Hooo.... that felt great! Didn't it, Y/N~?The girl cooed. I felt her spank me, getting a yelp out of me in response, a rope of cum flying out of my mouth and onto my thigh. Himiko chuckled, leaning down and slowly dragging her tongue along my leg.... licking it up bit by bit.

"I feel so disgusting...."  I mutter through the gargled sperm, swallowing and crossing my arms under my breasts, shivers sent down my spine. Himiko swallowed the sperm, sitting up.  "Hm? Why? I thought you liked being all subby-" "You shoved a cock down my throat!!"  I yelled, making Himiko lean back a bit.

"Whoa-ho, hey, I was doing you a favour, sweet cheeks. I know how you've been crushing on old red-head for a while now. How come you didn't like his-" "You think I wanted him to just CUM DOWN MY THROAT!?"

Himiko raised her eyebrow at me and tilted her head down slightly. She stayed silent long enough for me to think about that. My face went red as I stuttered, immediately turning to the side with a flustered expression. 

"....alright so maybe I did. But that doesn't mean you can just.... f-fuck my throat while I'm out cold!"  I turn my head back to her... and she has that same smug smile with her head tilted. My face gets flushed again, earning an annoyed groan out of me.

"Come on.... you can seriously be thinking-" "That I can help myself to your submissive little body~? I think I can, sugah lips~"  She chuckles as she licks her own lips. I clench my fists as I feel my face get even hotter. Himiko pinches my cheek.  "Awwh, aren't you just the cutest wittle thing!"  I don't even bother swatting her hand away. I'm too busy getting her words through my head.

Fuck you, I'm the author, first time I followed through a chapter in one goooo....

Fuck you, I'm the author, first time I followed through a chapter in one goooo

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Also wtf guys thank you so much lol

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