Chapter 5

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Hello. ...sorry for not updating. I've been really busy. Anyways, on with the book!


"T-Toga, I-I..." I got out of bed, backing away as I left her phone on the bedside table. She just giggled, walking towards me. "What did you see? A message? What did it say?" she said, completely ignoring her phone as it got another text. "Ch-Check it! The message is st-still there! You can see..." I realized that she wasn't listening to me, so I just backed away more, eventually being backed into a wall. "Come on, tell me what the text said." she said as I saw her hand behind her back. I could see a silver shine from between her legs as her hand tightened around something. "A knife?!" I thought, completely in fear now as she got closer. I noticed the window next to me, and it was dark outside. My parents might be worried if I ran away... But I don't have a choice, do I? "St-Stay back! Don't come any closer!" I say, trying to be brave but she just kept that evil grin on her face, coming closer to me. As she was inches away, I was about to break the window and run for it until she kissed my cheek, looking at me with a calm expression. "Come on, Y/N. Just tell me what was in the text." she said in a soft tone. I blushed, looking at her in shock. My eyes directed at her hand. It still had... "Toga... Why do you have a-" Then that grin returned. In a swift movement, she slashed at me, but I ducked and touched her leg, able to paralyze her. "Fuck it." I say, jumping out of the window as I yell, falling to the ground hard, shards of glass cutting into my skin. "Gotta... run..." I say, holding my arm as I try to run as fast as I can away from her. I hear Himiko laughing in the distance as I start to cry, looking back at the window I jumped out of but didn't see her. I only heard her cackling. I looked back forward, and just kept running.


The crack of dawn arrived as I hid in an alleyway, afraid that Toga might've tried to chase me as I look left to right. As I look all around me, I notice the shadow of a figure above me. The sun was above him, so I couldn't see him clearly. "...Y/N?" the boy said, jumping down in front of me, seeing that it was... "Angelo!" I say, running to him. "Whoa whoa! Easy there! You look hurt. What happened?" I look down, recalling the event of last night. "W-Well... I..." I know how protective Angelo is over me, and I'm sure Himiko is a good person, but that man's name... Shigaraki... "Do you know who Shigaraki is?" I ask him. Angelo looked up for a second, then nodded. "Yeah, I know him. He's the leader of an organization called the League of Villains. A sort of team that usually plans attacks on the pro heroes, and once or twice attacked the school. They kinda suck at being villains." he says with a laugh as I gasp. "League of... Villains?! Leader?! That text said the League needed her... is she a part of it? I don't..." I look up at Angelo, a serious expression on my face. "Thanks, Angelo. I'll go now." I say, walking away. "Wait, don't you want me to heal you first?" he calls to me. "No, I'm good." I call back. He shrugs and speeds away.

About 15 minutes later

I walk back to my house, last place Toga was. I look left, then right at my doorway, expecting she'd be nearby. I turn the doorknob as someone falls on top of me. "Surprise!" a voice says in a sweet tone, covering my eyes. "It's me, Toga!" she says, giggling as I get a bit worried. "Oh, hey Toga! Eh... h-how ya doing?" I ask, smiling awkwardly as she hops off of me. We walk back to my room as I close and lock the door. "Toga..." I start, a bit of sadness in my voice. "Yeah? What?" I sit next to her on the bed. "Do you remember... what happened... last night?" I ask. She tilts her head, having a wide-eyed but calm expression. "Hm? Why? Did you have a bad dream?" she asks as I shake my head. "Y'know? You caught me snooping on your phone and you wanted to know what I saw?" I say, and she just squints her eye. "Whuh? Wat do you mean?" Toga asked as I get confused. "Y'know?? You got a text and wanted to know what it said?" I say as she just doesn't know what I'm talking about. "What do you remember of last night??" I ask as she looks up. "All I can remember is seeing a broken window, turning around and seeing someone hit me in the head with a hammer. I think it left a mark..." she said as I showed her the text. "Does this jog your memory?" I ask in an annoyed tone as she reads through it. "Tow-moor-uh? Who's that?" she asks, looking at me. "He sounds like a creep. Plus I think he messed up spelling his last name. Like, who has 'Shigaraki' as a last name? That just sounds silly." she said, giggling as I'm completely baffled by this. "She doesn't remember anything?!" I say in my head. She lifted up the hair covering her forehead. There's a small dent in her forehead. "It kinda hurts a bit, but it's not too bad." she says as I gasp. "Hang on, what do you know about the League of Villains?" I ask quickly. "League o' wha now?" she says pretty absent-mindedly as I finally realize. "She took a hammer to the head... So she must have amnesia!" I think, not entirely sure how to feel about this. "So anyway," Toga said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "what else did you see on my phone?"

Chapter end! (I know, pretty dumb chapter. I'm sorry.) I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been stressed lately.. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See ya guys!

Himiko Toga x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now