Chapter 8

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If you're wondering what my age is, just read my bio. And don't judge me. One of my friends wanted me to write this, and, I did it because I had no idea what to write at the time. (Btw very sorry for no update in a long time)

Y/N: ..what?

T: Do you have any plans for tonight? I'm asking because... well...

Y/N: No... I don't have plans.. why?

T: Oh, you know, just wondering... if you'd like to.. go out tonight. Like, for a movie or something? I can pay.

Y/N: I...

I couldn't believe what I was reading. Was she... asking me on a date? I can't believe this... What does she even like about me?

Y/N: Yeah... I guess I'd like to. Sure.

T: YaaY!! Thanks- uh... Yeah, I'll see you at... 6, I guess?

Y/N: Sounds good, Himiko. See ya there.

T: See ya, Y/N.

And with that, I turned off my phone and squealed a bit, now noticing I have a blush on my face. "What's happening to me? Do I... really have a crush on this girl?" For about 10 minutes I contemplated what I was thinking, until looking at my phone's clock and realizing it was 5:27.

"Oh crap!" I quickly try to stand up, but I grunt, nearly falling back down. "Right... Broken ribcage... F#ck." I try to get up more carefully this time, taking my cell and dropping it in my pocket. As I clean up a few bruises on my face, I think about what could happen on this night. "I've never felt like this about anyone before... Well, except this one kid, can't remember his name... But he had red hair. Nevermind." I snap out of my thoughts and walk downstairs, popping some bread in the toaster and pouring myself a glass of milk.

I take a few sips and wipe my lips, chuckling to myself as I start blushing again. "Jeez, I'm pathetic." I say to myself, resting my chin on my fist. My mom walks into the room, a slightly amused expression on her face. "Sweetie, what are you talking about?" I let out another chuckle, looking at her. "Well... there's this girl I... like. And-"

Suddenly, my mother's expression goes to confusion. "Hmm? I thought you liked that red-haired kid? What was his name... Eijirou." "W-Well... I mean, he's already in a relationship, because apparently he's kissed this girl named Mina behind the school once. I like spying on people and... yeah I kinda found that out." "Oh, Y/N! What have I told you about eavesdropping? You're going to get yourself in trouble one of these days."

I let out a sigh and just look away. "Nevermind it." I say as my bread pops out of the toaster. As my mom walks out of the kitchen, I grab the toast and lay it down on the table.

(Time skip because I'm lazy.)

As I walk down the road, I take a look at my phone. "5:43. I still have time to get there. But... where does Toga even live?" I unlock my phone, and speed dial Toga.

"*riiiiiing.... riiiiii- click* Hello?" I hear a man's voice answer. "..uh, hi... Is this Himiko's father?" The man takes a few moments before responding. "What business do you have with Himiko Toga?" The man's voice is slightly raspy, and pretty dark. It.. intimidates me, kind of. "U-Um, she asked me out... t-to the movies. I h-hope that's fine...?" Once again, the man on the other line waits a few moments before speaking again. "What would your name be?" "Y-Y/N, sir." Just as the guy was about to talk again, I hear Himiko's voice. "Oh, hi Y/N! Sorry about that! One of the guys in my- ...*clears throat* apartment picked up my phone. I-I'll be at the theater soon! Talk to ya later! Bye!" Before I could utter a single word, Toga hung up. "That was weird... She just rushed the conversation... Is she hiding something?" I shake my head, pushing that thought back. But, it kept bugging me.

...maybe I should ask her when I get to the theater?

Himiko Toga x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now