Chapter 16 (about fuckin time)

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Yeah, you get the drill.

Me and Angelo approach the very alley that Toga had encountered my brother in. Of course, I knew nothing about it. But I still somehow remembered this very alley, even if it was a hazy little memory.

"Alright, here we are. Keep your eye out for my sword. Sashinaki was passed down from dad, and I don't want that very sword to be lost from an ambush." He explained to me. I nodded to him without a word, immediately jumping onto a wall and sticking to it, climbing higher so I could look around the area from a good vantage point.

"See anything up there?" Angelo called out to me. I spotted a shine from yards away deeper in the alley. "Yeah! I think I see something over there!" I say, pointing out the glimmer.

Angelo begins jogging over to the shining object, as I simply crawl along the walls at just about his pace. It's fun having this kind of power.

The moment he crouched down to examine the object, was the exact moment he let out a sigh. "A dagger. And a damn big one, too. Could probably call this a short sword, if yalou wanted to."

"Wait, Angelo-" "Hm? What is it?" "So, you said you were attacked, right?" "..yeah? What of it?" "The attacker would want to hide anything that could probably give you an advantage. Why not search in the dumpster?"

With that, Angelo turned around immediately, as I jumped toward the other side of the alley, clinging to the space just above the dumpster, reaching a hand down to lift up the lid.

"I swear to god if my sword is in here...." Angelo spoke to himself, taking a close look inside. Meanwhile, I began to ponder...

"(What did he mean by all that? Who attacked me? Who attacked him?! ...I'm just glad he's alive... I didn't want to freak out over him.... I didn't think amyone could even land a hit on him. Maybe he was tired from walking all the way out here.... Or maybe he was done with school? But, I swear, I'll find whoever the hell did this and kill them!)"

Then, Angelo finally pulled something out. But not his sword...?

"What the hell?" He spoke, pulling out some sort of gauntlet. He began to examine it. "What in the... pure platinum-plated iron fist with golden knuckles.... Who the hell threw this away?" He spoke, fitting it onto his own hand. "Who cares? It's yours, now." I chime in, giggling as he pulls out something else.

"Ah, goddammit.... here it is." Angelo says, disappointingly pulling out his katana. "Sashinaki.... my Adamantium Katana. What a mess..." He spoke, scraping off some moss. "I really gotta get home to clean this thing o-"

"Not so fast, incel...Me and Angelo both jolt our heads over to the newcomer's direction. The very man that I had feared since the beginning had found me and Angelo. With a friend, this time....

"Shigaraki. You've finally tracked me down, huh?" Angelo spoke suddenly, getting a gasp out of me. "Yes... we've finally tracked down the MURDERER that you've become... and your little sister doesn't know of any of it, now does she... Kolra Aikon?"  Those two words made Angelo grip his chest, falling on one knee. I immediately jumped off of the wall, and rushed over to him.

"Don't bother helping him up, little runt... This is between us, not you. So move... before I have to make you." The other figure spoke, a man with stitches across where his mouth should be.

"Wh...Who the hell are you people?! And why are you doing this?!"

"Oh, you poor girl..." Shigaraki spoke up. "You don't even know the half of it. Your brother isn't who he seems to be. Inside of him... is a monster trapped within a cage, waiting to be set free." Once more, Angelo let out a cry of pain, dropping his blade as his other knee fell to the ground, both of his hands gripping his chest. "Shut up! Gh....Shut up!!" He yelled, desperately trying to keep his conposure.

"Angelo-" "Furthermore... he's a liar. A coward. A powerless theif. He's nothing of what he says he is. Without that beast inside of him, he. is. nothing."

"I said SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Angelo roared at him, ramming his fists into the ground and forming craters. "A-Angelo-" "He's a mindless, destructive freak of nature on the inside. You can't imagine the kind of power he has to contain. No one can. It's beyond even our own comprehension." Shigaraki further explained.

SHUT. THE. FUCK. UPPPPP!!!!" Angelo shouted at the top of his lungs, slamming his fist into the wall as he gripped his face tightly, gritting his teeth. He was beginning to lose control of his own body, banging his head on the ground repeatedly as I tried to stop him. His arms became surrounded by a crimson aura. His eyes shot open, blood rolling down the corners of them as he clenched his fists, the two men standing mere feet away from him not budging an inch.

I was soon forced to back away from him, told to run away by him. I hesitated. I wanted to help him, but I didn't want to get hurt. This was something I had never considered before. What should I have done there?

Well, keep reading to find out.


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