Chapter 18 (wow, who woulda guessed?)

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Heeyyyyyy what's goin on guys, hah hah hah haaaaaa...... I've been have a good life, so far. Comment how you guys have been. Now, for the long awaited 18th chapter.

I wake up to the simple sound of the buzzing of my phone... which is odd. I always set my alarm to Technoblade singing.

I sit up, and try to check the time, only to see Himiko calling me. "The heck.... why is she...." I answer her without a second thought, not even a second before she starts talking.

"Heyooo! How've ya been, Y/N?? I haven't seen you around lately!"  "....Toga, it's been a single f#cking day."  "Woah, hey! Watch the language, little miss! Hahah!"  "It's like three in the morning, why are you calling me now?"  "Oh- uhhh.... so, long story short, there's this weird demon lady chasing after me. Could you come over to that Café we met up at and help me out? Thanks! Byeee!"  "Wait, what- *beep*"

"...well isn't that just a kick in the jaw."  Since I'm already up, I don't have the motivation to even think about what she said. Without even thinking about decent clothes, I climb out of my bedroom window and try to recollect what she said.

"Uhhh... Café.... demon lady.... demon... de-demon- wait- demon? A demon?! Oh shit, I gotta go!"  I say, immediately beginning to sprint... only to have my knees pop and almost tap out completely. Waking up is never easy.

Time skip because fuck you

Slowly, I creep open the doors. I take a look around the place. Without any hesitation, I run inside, jumping behind the cash register counter and taking another look around. My mind is racing right now. Demon woman? How the hell could a demon woman be here? Was she trying to summon one or something?!

Regardless, I keep trekking on. I'm practically jogging down a hall, creaking open any doors I find to see if Toga was in any of them. Then I hear something...

"Y/N! Over here!" That's her voice! She must have heard me! I started sprinting down the hallways, eager to reach her and find out what the hell she meant by "demon lady" or whatever she said.

Upon approaching the source of the noise, I quickly got my answer...

"Well, hellllo again, little girl.... Nice to see you~"  A now male voice says to me... in my brother's body, his hand holding Toga's body up by her shirt.  "So glad you got my call, hehehe... how've you been lately?"  He says, dropping Toga on the ground.

"...get out of his body. Now."

"Oh, but why would I do that...? After all, his powers come from me.... His agility comes from me.... Even his pathetic little life energy comes from me." The demon says, laughing heartily.

"What the hell are you-" I say, immediately being cut off by the mirage of my brother flashing in front of me. "You don't even know the half of it, little girl... after all-" Suddenly, the face of a red-skinned woman popped out of his chest in a sort of... cartoonish way...

"The fun is only just beginning!" I hear a high-pitched voice say, before I see my brother's hand raise. I flinch, expecting to be hit by him...

"Krahhh!!!" ...but I only hear his anguish. I look back, nervou- "Run! Fucking run!! Run before I lose control again!! RUN!!!" Angelo absolutely shouts at me with his fist bluntly pounded into his chest. Quickly, I bolt for Toga, Angelo swiping an electric claw at me, but thankfully it was too slow.

Carrying the body of my girlfriend with me, I break through some nearby glass. The wounds don't matter. My brother does. In the distance... I can still hear his screams. "Why does this have to be happening...." I think, carrying the sleeping beauty home.


I set her down on my bed. I've gotten a severe boost in energy because of what just happened. But the shouting..... I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that.

I put my hand to Toga's forehead. ...cold. Just purely ice cold. I sigh, climbing onto my bed right next to her, and hug her, now realizing I should have worn something more than some shorts and a crop top outside. ...what? It gets to warm at night.

I hold her body close to mine, giving her a kiss on the cheek. A little mumble comes out of her, and I can't help but just giggle. I give her another little smooch before closing my eyes and attempt to doze off with her, hoping she doesn't wake up before me.... but also hoping the opposite.

Wow.... I really don't have any idea where I'm taking this. I do- but... it just didn't quite make sense to bring it up in THIS chapter specifically. So... later =D
Kill me.

Himiko Toga x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now