Chapter 9

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Ok, I'm gonna finally add some drama in this story. I hope you guys were hoping for actual drama.

Angelo's POV

As I put on my casual clothing after a long day's work, I begin walking around the town. "It's a beautiful day outside... Sun is shining, the birds are singing, the wind is breezing by... Not sure if I said that right-" I hear a giggle come from a nearby section in between two buildings. I get slightly concerned, and I keep my guard up. "Hello...?" I walk towards the alleyway and pull out my sword. The giggles get closer as I continue through. "Who are you? Show yourself." Almost immediately, a blonde-haired girl with pigtails walks out from behind a dumpster. She stays silent, staring at me with a smile. "...hello? Aren't you the girl who my sister was-" In an instant, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. That girl had charged at me, shoving a steel knife through my stomach. I reflexively cough up blood, gripping the girl's wrist and throwing her behind me, yanking out the knife and quickly covering the wound in my stomach, blood leaking from my mouth. "Damnit... At this rate I'll pass out. I gotta deal with this girl quick!" Using my electricity quirk, I dash at the girl and swing my sword, but she dodges my attacks swiftly, jumping and kicking my into a wall. I'm at a disadvantage here, seeing as my right hand is preoccupied trying to keep my gut from bleeding. I try to stall the flow my forming a molten seal using my lava quirk, but it isn't strong. Strong enough, though. I toss my sword to my other hand, amd charge at the opponent. "Haaaaa!!"


As I'm walking down the street, I hear strange noises not too far ahead of me. I can't exactly hear where they are, but they're starting to worry me. I look at the theater. It's just about 12 meters away. But... there could be trouble up ahead.

My mind is clouded with thoughts, but I shake my head. "I can be a hero too! Just you watch Angelo!" I say to myself, charging straight ahead and getting closer to the scene. I can hear... blood spilling. The sound of slashing and cried of pain. And... giggling?? The moment I look into the alleyway and- "Toga, you'll regret picking a fight with me!" I hear my brother's voice say, and... I see him. Fighting Toga, and.. there's blood. Cuts, bruises and wounds on his body. "T-Toga?! Angelo!?" I exclaim, as now both of their attentions are turned towards me. Himiko gasps as she stares at me, the knife in her hand dripping with Angelo's blood. At this moment, Angelo grabbed Toga by the neck and tried pinning her on the wall, but slashed at his neck, and ran towards me. She jumped past me, cutting my cheek and pushing me aside, laughing maniacally. I tear up, staring at her as she ran away.

But, my attention quickly turns to Angelo, who was coughing uo more blood than I've seen before. I quickly run to him, helping him stand up kind of well, and calling 911. "911!? W-We need a ride! My brother is injured badly! We need an ambulance quickly!!"

I hang up after they respond, and hold Angelo up the best I can. "D-Don't worry, Angelo! H-Help is coming..." I say, but can't take my mind off of what had happened earlier. "She... She attacked me... She attacked Angelo... Who- Who is she?!!" I start to feel like I'm about to cry again, before Angelo speaks. "Y-Y/N... Don't talk... with that girl... Anymore... g-got it?!..." I barely say anything out of shock of this event, but nod my head, twitching. "I.. I w-won't..."

My breath gets shaky as my eyes tear up again, but the ambulance arrives. The medics quickly put Angelo on to a stretcher, and ask if I want to come along. I shake my head, and speed-dial my mom. "*hic* M-Mom? Can you pick me up? I... I need a ride back home."

Well, there's the next chapter for ya. I'm horrible at writing. See ya.

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