Chapter 4

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My eyes slowly opened as I heard the slight sobs of a certain female by my side, and a tall, male figure, comforting her. I tilted my head towards them as my vision adjusted. "T-Toga... a-and Angelo...." I smiled weakly with one eye open, as my right eye had suffered a bit of a sting. "Oh my God, Y/N!" Himiko hugged me immediately. I smiled warmly, closing my eyes and patting her back. "Don't worry... I-I'm fine..." I say as she sobs a bit more. "You were in a coma for about 7 months. It had me worried sick." Angelo says, me looking at him. "S-Sorry to worry you, big bro..." I apologize, lowering my head slightly. "You should have known better than to create a reckless plan like that. I rushed to the scene as soon as I heard Himiko scream. I saw you on the ground and I hurried to stop the blood from spilling and patch your flesh wounds. But your heart... That I couldn't fix." he says as I gasp. Himiko gasps as well. "Wh-What about her heart...?" Himiko asks. "Well..." Angelo holds up a picture of my damaged heart. "There is a hole directly in the middle and the side is torn slightly. You'll need about 6 months of healing. I'm sorry." My expression goes from slightly annoyed to softly calm. "It's fine... As long as I can stand..." I get out of bed slowly, standing up with trouble. "...I can fight." Himiko is confused while Angelo crosses his arms, quite proud. "Quoting me, huh? Just like mom... heh... She was really something..." he says as he seems to be lost in thought as a single tear goes down his cheek. I sigh, walking over with difficulty. "Please, Angelo... Not in the hospital." He chuckles, wiping the tear away. "Sorry, just... lost in thought again." I nod, walking back to Himiko. She hugs me again, me hugging back. "I thought I lost you..." "Don't worry, Himiko... I'm not lost yet..." I chuckle as she does, letting go. "Need some help?" Himiko offers, picking me up on her back. "Yeah... Thanks..." I say drowsily, smiling. "No problem. I'll get you home." she says, smiling. I nuzzle into her shoulder, drifting off to sleep once more.

5 hours 37 minutes and 42 seconds later...

I open my eyes in a large bed next to Himiko, both of us covered by a single blanket. I was confused by this point, and beyond that when someone texted Himiko's phone. "She won't be mad... probably." I said in my head as I reached over and picked up her phone, looking at the contact. "Hand Freak? Who's that?" I thought. Then I read the message. *"Himiko, what the HELL are you doing?!?! Stop wasting time and come back to the base IMMEDIATELY! The League is getting restless!

-Tomura Shigaraki"*

"Shigaraki?! Isn't that-" Then I heard a noise next to me. "Snooping on someone else's phone, eh?" Himiko had seen me. "Uh, H-Himiko- I-I..."

To be continued...

Himiko Toga x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now