Chapter 6

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Hi. So... Idk what to say here. ...enjoy!


I stutter a bit, trying to think of what to say. "Um... eheh, no-nothing... nothing at all. Wh-Why d'you ask?" I sweat a bit. Toga shrugs a bit, a small smirk showing but she quickly hides it. "Eh, no reason. Just curious." she says, looking away and blushing a bit. I look away as well, blushing as she did.

There was an awkward silence between us until my phone suddenly blared an alert message. I immediately picked it up. "Shit! I'm gonna be late for school!" I say as I immediately get up, realizing my clothes are sorta ripped. "Man... Mom and Dad are NOT going to like this..." After clumsily getting clothes from my dresser, I go into my bathroom to get changed and take a quick shower. After all, I still have some blood marks from my fall last night.

After about 5 minutes, Toga greets me at my door. "Good luck at school!" she says in a cute tone, giving me a closed-eyes smile and a wave. I blush, smiling and waving back. "Thanks. See ya, Toga!" I say, running down the sidewalk as I'm waving to her.

(I can NOT think of anything good to write)

As I arrive at school, I bump into a kid with blonde hair. "Oh- eh- sorry, I-" "Who the hell do you think you are?" he says in a dark voice, staring at me with a scary look. "U-Um... I-I said I'm sorry, I-I just-" "I don't care. You should watch where you're going, or something's gonna happen." he said, still giving me that death stare. "...wh...what's y-your name...?" "I don't think that's any of your business, is it? Now leave me alone." he says, turning and beginning to walk away. "M...Maybe just a f-first na-" "Shut up. I'm not telling some wimp my name." he said, making my eyes widen. "....wimp?..!?" "Yeah. Shut it, wim- PPHH!" he said, about to turn to me as I punched him right across the jaw, straight into a wall. "Don't call me a fucking wimp!" He hopped out of the wall I punched him into, cracking his neck and knuckles. "Now you're going to die." he said, almost instantly releasing an explosion from his hand into my gut, launching me across the street abd on the ground, holding my stomach as I coughed up some saliva. "Grrr.... Now it's on!" I say, using my quirk to zoom right behind him, kicking him directly in the back, grabbing his head and slamming it into the ground as his hand threw an explosion into my hip, making me fall off and land a good 4 meters away from him, and leaving me feeling like my left ribcage was cracked and broken. "You... prick...!" I charge at him again as he got up, throwing a punch as he dodged, making me have to catch a punch he threw, turning the palm of his hand back at him in a split second to direct his quirk back at him, right to his face as he went flying back. That's when I saw her, standing just over him. "Hey, Bakugou~ How are you doing today?" She said, making the boy sit straight up and stand, making him nervous. "T-T-Toga?! I thought you-" In a swift movement, Himiko smacked Bakugou right across the face, making him stumble as he got his angry face back, but then ran away, seemingly scared. "H...Himiko? Who was that?" I asked her, limping over. "Katsuki, a boy in your school. You better watch out around him, he's pretty tough." she says with a smile, picking me up. "Now let's get you to school!" I smile, resting my head on her neck and giggling. "Okay, Toga... let's go."

Aaaaaand that's Chapter 6! That was... a bit difficult to write... I'm not that good at writing, though I'm getting there! I'm going to be a good author... someday.

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