Chapter 17

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I ran home. It was the only thing I could've done. I told my mom about what had happened. She was in total shock. She refused to call the police, or even any type of pro hero. When I told her about "Shigaraki" and the mouth stitch guy, she told me I was lucky to get out of there alive. After the explanation of what the two villains had been through... sheesh. I understand why they turned to villainy.

The next morning, there was still no sign of Angelo. Me and my mom were worried sick, but we had to continue with our lives until... hopefully, he came back. He was stronger than anything that those two villains could do, but... was it really all connected to whatever monster was inside my brother?

I went to school with only that on my mind. Until someone quickly stopped me in my tracks. "Hey, you!" Someone calls out to me. I quickly turn around and see Bakugou approaching me. "Oh god, why you again..." I thought, hoping to God it wasn't another fight.

"...look Bakugou, if you want to fight me, then I'm gonna have to-" "No." I was slightly caught off guard by his sudden response. "But... But I thou-" "No, it's not... ugh, look! I might have lost my cool those last couple of times, alright?! I just... I don't care if you don't want my apology or something, but I'm sorry. There, I said it." Katsuki spoke to me. I was in... slight shock, if I'm being honest. This kid who tried to basically kill me is apologizing?

I was about to reply until he spoke up again. "Stop the staring, would ya?! It's annoying enough that I'm being forced to do this!" He says, raising his voice. "That explains it..." I think, letting out a sigh. "Apology accepted, blondie." I say with a chuckle, seeing him become slightly annoyed at me. He gripped the collar of my shirt, pulling me close.

"Don't think for a goddamn second that you're above me. I can and will put you six feet under if you taunt me, got it?" I hold in a few laughs, but nod quickly. He lets go of my shirt and bumps my shoulder out of his way, walking into the building.

"Sheesh... some apology that was..." I mumble to myself, following behind.

Once class starts, there's something immediately different. A screen in pulled down in front of the board, and the projector is on. It just looks like some sort of title of a slideshow, seemingly about some new project. But OH FUCKING BOY was I wrong.

"Alright, everyone. I have some particularly troubling news. Recently... we've discovered a report filed about a missing staff member, by the name of Angelo [L/N]. We don't know how or why this happened, but we have our suspicions. I want everyone to pay very close attention here, because this isn't just about your safety. It's ensuring the safety of this entire state."

A mass of gasping and chatter was heard among the class by the way Aizawa put this. Was there some sort of calamity or something?

"Now, let's start off with our suspicion... I'm certain none of you know what this is, but there is a certain Urban Legend of a beast that tore down several cities with a single swipe of its palm. This beast is known simply as 'Ikari no Akuma' which roughly translates to 'Demon of Wrath'. Now, we, of course, didn't name this beast. But it's said to be able to move at the speed of light, and even manifest anything it so desires out of thin air. No one today has ever seen this so called 'Demon', but earlier today, Sir Nighteye came to me with his vision. And unfortunately, no one can deny the fate that rests upon time."

"This demonic being... it was banished to the underworld by the Titans that descended from the offsprings of godly beings and humans, able to work together and nullify the demon's power. However... we suspect that it has risen to power once again. Nighteye himself has forseen it. We don't know how, but we know why it would. To exact revenge upon the Titans that banished it. And it will stop at nothing to kill them, even if it means destroying the Earth itself."

The entire class was left in utter disbelief by this explanation. Every last word sounded like it came from some fairy tale, but even Nighteye proves that he's seen it. Was this some sort of joke? Some sick joke to make us seem like we're gonna die so we train harder? Fear isn't supposed to be something you abuse for training... right?

"Now.... Let me make this very clear... This demon never shows its true form. It can possess anyone it so desires, and it can very well choose to keep that body for good. That brings us to the horrifying conclusion that... Angelo has been taken by this very demon, and it has started to overtake his mind. However, there are many other plausible explanations to him being absent from the school... but we must prepare for the worst."

I couldn't believe my own ears, having been told my brother was keeping this secret all along.... or did he even know?

"To build upon this... Angelo has kept his true identity a secret from anyone and everyone he's ever met... apart from me. He knew I was trustworthy to keep it hidden from anyone who tried to pry it off of me, or him. This may seem like it has nothing to do with the demon, but believe you me.... it certainly does."

"Before Angelo had come to this school, he was just a simple kid living with his own parents. Like any kid, he wanted to be a strong hero when he grew up. Unfortunately... he had no quirk of his own. But before he had any chance to learn that, he had gone through a terribly traumatic experience. Angelo's real parents had brought him to work one day. However, that was the day a band of criminals decided to storm and destroy the place. Combined, a group of criminals with quirks quickly overran and cut down the quirkless workers within the building."

"As for Angelo... he suffered a terrible sight as he was moving his way through the debris of the crumbling establishment. His eyes caught the dreary sight of his mother's and father's lifeless eyes, their bodies crushed under the weight of platforms from the floor above, only their heads left on the ground. This, Angelo told me, was when he felt it. His 'quirks' magically come to life. The rest of the story is irrelevant... those 'quirks', however.... Let's just say, those clearly weren't his quirks."

"I can't tell you his real name... he made me promise not to tell a soul. But mind you... should you encounter Angelo anywhere, see him anywhere, hear him anywhere.... run. Do not engage. You run. You hide. You do whatever it takes to get away from him. Do not attack unless there is no other choice. Just remember... there isn't always strength in numbers."

After this whole spheal about the demon, my brother, and his... previous backstory, class was dismissed. The rest of the day progressed, every other class in the school knowing about this... thing inside of my brother. A lot of people looked at me funny, and even talked to me about it, some of the conversations being... mostly to insult me.

I had had enough for today. I was tired of people getting up in my face about this, and I knew it wasn't going to end. I went up to the office, and asked to be signed out. After about fifteen minutes, my mom drove me home.

She noticed I was acting nervous and annoyed. Once she asked me about it.... the explanation didn't phase her one bit. She... somehow knew about this. My mom had apparently taken in Angelo when she saw him... on the streets. He was dirty, bruised, yet somehow almost completely fine. I wasn't even born at the time. She has just... made me think Angelo was my natural brother.

I was shocked by all of this. I couldn't even begin to comprehend why this all happened the way it did. What was I going to do? And more importantly...

....what about Himiko?

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