Chapter 7

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Hi yeah how ya doing let's get on with it.

Today was like any other. 7 classes to go to, have to listen to stuff I'll never use in the future, and halfway through the classes lunch happens. But, this time was different. As I got my food, and began walking to my table, that blonde haired kid from earlier caught my eye. I got scared, but all he did was scoff in my direction, then look away. He was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. Classic "trying to look tough" guy. The rest of the school day progressed as usual, until dismissal. As soon as I stepped outside, I felt someone spin me around. It was... "Bakugou? H-Hey, I'm just trying to go home-" "LET'S GO!! You and me, let's finish this right now!" he yelled at me, clenching his fist. "Hey! I don't wanna fight, I just want to go home-" "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!! You made a fool out of me! Now I'm gonna finish what you started!! HNNNGGRRR!!!" Bakugou swung his fist directly into my gut, flinging me a good 12 meters away from him. As I hit the ground, I kept myself up with only my hands, coughing up a bit of blood as I groaned. "Fine then. Let's go." In an instant, I come up behind him and kick him directly in the back, then pin him on the ground and hold his right arm behind him, bending it to the point where it would be about to break. He cried out in pain, but soon enough used his other arm to grab my head and slam it into the ground, sure enough breaking my nose. Katsuki then pulled my head up, and threw me forward, making me trip and fall. I coughed a few more times, a few tears dropping as I stood up weakly. "YOU'RE PATHETIC!!!" he shouted as he charged at me once more. I manage to dodge his punch, grab his arm and throw him into the wall, getting off a good few strikes to his face before jumping back, predicting a use of his quirk. But just before Bakugou could attack me again, someone appeared just in the nick of time. "All Might?!" I exclaimed, but ge was preoccupied holding Katsuki's face and preventing him from running at me. "Now now Bakugou, there's no need to get feisty! Calm down!" All Might stated, but Bakugou just keot trying to run at me. "Err... You might want to go home, young lady." he said, and I nodded.

Time Skip cuz why not?

I let out a sigh. My parents were beyond worried when they saw me in this condition. Thank god I didn't need to go to the hospital. They just wrapped some bandages around my torso, applied some alcohol to my bleeding wounds, and... they did snap my nose back in place, but it popped a few blood vessels. Had ti wait about an hour for the bleeding to stop. I bring up my phone. I had two missed calls and 19 messages. All from Himiko. I clear my throat as I dial her number, letting out a nervous breath.

"Hello?" "Hi, Himiko. It's me. Y/N-" "Y/N!! I was SO worried about you!! Why weren't you answering me?!?" "Eh... I got in another fight with Bakugou... I had to wait a few hours for my wounds to heal to a point where I could move freely again and not limp like hell." "Well, I'm just really glad you're ok!" "Heh... thanks, Toga. I'm glad to have you as a friend." "Haha! I bet you kicked Kacchan's ass, though!" "Naw... Not really.." "Aww, really? He didn't even get scared??" "Of course not... Classic loser trying to act tough..." "Heh, that's what I like about you! You're strong and you're really funny!" (I blush at that comment, letting out a slight exhale and continue talking.) "Well- you're cute! And, you're really helpful to me! That's what I like about you, too." (There's a sudden silence after I say that. All I can assume is that she blushed like I did. Though it's not long before I hear talking again.) "W-Well, you're the one with the sexy body type!" (Now I wasn't expecting that. I mean- that could be taken a lot of different ways. I tried to think it was just a regular compliment, but that's not just something normal you say to someone else. Before I could say something else, the call disconnected. I go into my messages.)

Y/N: Toga... you...?

T: I'm really really sorry! I didn't mean to say that!

Y/N: No no, it's fine. I just sorta...

T: ...

Y/N: ...did NOT expect that. From you.

T: What do you mean?

Y/N: Well.. I dunno? I didn't expect that kind of compliment from my best friend... I guess??

T: Ehhh I'm still sorry about that!

Y/N: It's fine, don't apologize.

T: Hehe... Ehhh... Thanks, Y/N.

Y/N: No worries, Toga.

T: Hey, I've got a question.

Y/N: Yeah? What?

T: ...ummm

Y/N: Come on, I'm your friend. You can ask me anything.

T: have any plans for tomorrow?

Himiko Toga x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now