Chapter 14

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I'm basically just forcing myself to continue at this point. Do I like this book? Yes. Do I like to continue writing it? Apparently not because I'm a lazy fuck. Do I want to continue it? Yes. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

I lay Toga down on her bed, giggling in a tone like she had before, giving her a nice blush across her face as I drag my hands smoothly across her body, ripping open her coat and forcefully tearing apart the fabric until the entirety of her chest and breasts were exposed, climbing on top of her and softly lowering my face into them, my hands proceeding to fondle and manipulate them, softly twisting and yanking on the nipples.

"Mm~ Ohh- Aa~ Mnn~ Y-Y/N...." Toga moaned out, clearly enjoying my treatment. This gives me a smirk and a chuckle, now moving lower down her body. The noises she made as my hands continued to play with her tits were priceless. But they quickly ceased as I ripped off her skirt with my teeth, stopping my movements as I giggle once more, my breath softly colliding with her exposed, dripping womanhood. I heard her breathing fall heavy, staring at me from a semi-straight sitting position, a grin across her face.

"Do it...." She commanded, as if she were in charge here. "Not until you beg, sweet-cheeks~" I replied, licking my lips teasingly. I knew teasing her would get her to submit, so I simply poked at her clit a little and trailed the tip of my finger around the sides of her pussy to get her in a whining state.

"Please, Mistress.... Please, eat out my pussy and make me your bi-" I stopped her words by shoving my hand down on her mouth, and immediately thrusting my tongue into her opening, making her scream with pleasure. Even if I didn't have any experience with this kind of thing, my quirk really comes in handy with speed... and stimulation~

"Mmmph!!! Y/NNNN!!! Hmmmph!!!" My lover moaned out, her words muffled by my hand. My tongue, enhanced with static electricity and lightning-fast speed, made Toga simply shout her lungs out with ecstasy. I anticipated this, of course. Her legs wrapped tightly around my head, pushing my tongue deeper as they refused to let go, only gradually tightening their hold.

Himiko was a panting, moaning mess as I continued my treatment. Her delicious shouts of pleasure and screams of ecstasy were music to my ears. Sweat formed all over her body. Not a lot, of course, but a good amount to tell that she's being worked to the core.

Surprisngly, it took her a good 5 minutes to cum. I slurped up the delectable love-juices from my beloved's cunt, making her moan even more. The only thought going through my head after her legs dropped and pulling my head away was...

"How did you... last that long??" I asked her, genuinely shocked at the amount of time it took for her to finish. However, she was panting very heavily, desperately trying to catch her breath. I stood over her, examining her naked body. I noticed her phone on the bedside table. I smirked, going over to pick it up. But- shockingly, before I laid a finger on it, both of her hands gripped my tits, making me gasp as she pulled me toward her face, instantly locking her lips with mine.

I didn't move, closing my eyes and letting her do as she pleased, her tongue invading my mouth. She fondled every surface of the inside, even rolling her tongue around mine, passionately forcing me into a battle of dominance, sharing a giggle as I climbed on top of her, wrapping my arms around her. We shared a lust-filled breath of relief, pulling our mouths away from the kiss.

"I was going to take a picture of your worn-out body.... But pictures aren't worth anything if you have the real deal~" I said as she gave me a spank, making me utter a whimper-like moan. "That's... right, b-babyyy.... Eheehee...."

We shared another giggle. I go down to gently kiss her neck, trailing smooches across her jawline as well, momentarily moving to teasingly, and very slowly, lick up and down her throat, making her utter syrupy-sweet moans. I bite down on her neck and suck lovingly, making her breathing hitch as I seem to have a struck a weak spot, forcing my tongue onto her skin as she goes wild, her expression going ahegao as my fingers trail back down to her womanhood, shoving my middle and ring fingers inside of her.

Her moans increase intensively in volume as we both blush, gripping her own hair as I move my other hand down to my own dripping snatch. I slowly insert my first two fingers inside of myself, letting out a pleasured exhale, beginning to move my fingers faster inside of her, putting my quirk into it.

"Fu-Fuuuuck..!! Ha-Haaarderrr, Y/Nnnnn!!!" She cried out, arousing me even more as I pulled my fingers out of her, slamming them back into her. "Good girls like you deserve rewards.... and that's exactly what I'm gonna give you~" I tell her, smirking deviously.

With a swift movement, I press my thumb against her clit and put twice the electricity I put into my fingers, to my thumb. I begin to violently vibrate my fingers inside of her. After this, she cries out even louder, her words able to be heard outside of the entire building... if the walls of her room weren't soundproof, that is.

"FU-FUCK YESSSS!!! Y/NNNN!!! HAARDERRRR!!!!" She yelled out. If only I had a strap-on right now... Wait a second-

I reach under her bed as I work her body mercilessly. My hand wraps around a phallic object and I quickly pull it out.

A typical baby-blue vibrator. How original. Pulling my fingers out, I ram it inside the horny girl's pussy and flick it to the max setting, shoving that thing as far as it could go inside of her cute little snatch, giving her clit a kiss as I climb on top of her.

She's going absolutely insane at this point, her body twisting and turning, flopping around and just going crazy. I grip her wrists and pull her up to me, pinning her against the wall. Smacking my lips against her felt so satisfying as I forced my tongue into her mouth. Our eyes locked gazes, the lust we shared just brimming through our visual exchange.

Our lips stayed connected through me pressing myself into her, moaning into the lip-lock as the vibrations made their way into my body, but still impossible to feel how much pleasure she could be feeling right now.

Our bodies clashed in this heated session of passion, our tits pressing into each other, our pussies dripping together, our mouths trapping one another; the experience was truly life-changing.

And with one final rear-and-slam, we both came together, screaming each other's names in sheer ecstasy.


Just skip like 20 seconds or whatever-

Our bodies, panting and worn-out, lay on the ground, the vibrator just barely near Toga's drained warmth, my body on top of her's. We had no words, only the same kiss we had shared during our connection.

Finally, we disconnected, and spoke.

"You are mine.... and I am yours..." I spoke to her.

"Forever.... and ever.... my love...." she replied.

And that's the finished chapter! Really sorry for the wait, guys! I've experienced things that make me feel depressed when in reality, it's just typical teen break-up shit! Please, suggest some story ideas YOU'D like to see in the comments below! ...please! I uh... don't know what to write! it. Please.

Himiko Toga x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now