Chapter... 20. I guess.

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                             get the jist. I'm tired, blah blah fuckin blah. Let's get on with this shit... Fucking 2 small paragraphs into writing this shit and I'm already fucking losing my train of thought.... aaaggghhhhhhhhhh.....

(Two hours and 52 minutes later...)

I'm sitting on top of Toga's lap with my fingers pressed against her stomach, sending constant volts of electricity through her body.

"GYA! HAA! YES! HOH! Y/N! MORE! FUCK!" She keeps moaning and yelping each time I push a jolt through her. Her knees are almost always bent to the core, and when they aren't, her legs just keep jumping and limping. Her arms are tied against the bed frame, and with each jolt, her wrists squirm against the bonds.

"That's right, sweetcheeks. Scream for mommy." I say, gripping the short whip next to her, and striking her on the left tit. "Wear your voice out so you can't scream while I eat out those soft lips." I say to her, giving her another clean strike across her other plump breast.

"HAAA!! MOMMY!!" She cries, arching her back as her arms start shaking furiously, trying desperately to free herself. I know she's enjoying it. She asked for this, after all.

"Louder, slut." I say, a lustfully smug grin crossing my face, alongside a blush. I whip her straight down her chest, giving her a mark right between her boobs, leaning down and dragging my tongue across it. "Scream for me." I say as I give the skin a tug... with my teeth.

Himiko Toga, the woman who basically kidnapped me and dominated me utterly and comletely, let out a howl of masochistic euphoria, exploding with cum and sticking her tongue all the way out of her mouth, overcome by the sensations of what a ruthless mistress can give.

Her legs are shaking violently, her entire body is shaken to the core. I didn't think taking a drug could turn me into THIS.... (Plot twist, bitches. Y/N took a drug.)
In only a few minutes, Toga sits up, panting, but glaring at me with that same... seductive... open-mouth grin... fuck, she wants more...

 fuck, she wants more

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"MORE...." She speaks breathlessly. "GIVE ME MORE, MOMMY.... I NEED MORE...." Before I can respond to her, she immediately grips my wrists and pins me against the bed.

("Wait.... HOW DID SHE UNTIE HERSELF?!") is my thought process before she smacks her lips against my own, shoving her tongue directly into my mouth. "Mmph-! Mm-mmph!!" I struggle against her grip, but it only gets tighter as she drains me of my will to fight.

I'm feel my chest getting compressed. She's fully laying on top of me now. I feel her knee bash against my crotch, immediately making my back arch. I didn't think she could make me submit this easily!

("Fuck! This is bad! I've gotta-") "KYAAA- MMMPH!!" I feel her fingers slam inside of me, cutting off my scream by somehow immediately reconnecting her lips with mine.

She still has that same golden, lion-eyed stare, feeling it bore into my soul. I don't think I've ever blushed so hard or felt so sensitive before. Himiko was doing things to my body that I didn't even feel when she took my virginity away!

"Him- mmph- Himik- mmm-mmph!" I try speaking between her absolutely melting my mind away, but her tongue is too aggressive to let me even utter a single word... she's getting in my head way too quickly... I feel like I'm already about to cum, but it's as if I'm being endlessly edged! I can barely even breathe right now!

She digs her fingers all the way to the knuckles, wiggling them relentlessly as she prevents me from even letting out a yelp. Himiko's gotten drunk on lust, she might not give me a break once she starts thrusting her hand!

So yeah, gonna do another "cliffhanger" here. Uhh, hope you enjoyed this, I guess? I dunno, not feelin like continuing right now. But hey, be glad I decided to continue it. I'm tired as hell as always, lol

Hope y'all have a wondrous day.

Himiko Toga x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now