Chapter 21

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Chapter 21, not feeling too motivated but fuck it. Here ya go.

I'm now being served some wine at a slightly sticky table by a guy who's made of literal air. the fuck did things turn out this way-

Toga skips over to me all jolly-like with a bloodied knife. ClAsSiC tOgA

She puts a finger on my lips and just.... sticks it in. She swirls it around in my mouth before I can even swallow my wine, then she pulls it out and pops it in her own mouth. "Mmmm.... sweet~" this all Himiko thinks about?

A hand smacks me flat in my ass and in an instant, she's running out the door again, a mark bare on my right buttock in a miniskirt Toga *insisted* I wore. I got up from my stool and left the shady alley the LOV hid their base in.

Outside, the breeze flew across the outside world, the sun shining a beautiful orange shade across the sky. It was high dawn, and the breeze was already tickling my clit and reaching through my bra.

"Why did I agree to wear this?!" I thought, clenching my thighs together. I let out a huff, quickly stumbling over to a taller shop 2 blocks down the road. My legs were already dripping before I even reached the door.

*BING-BONG* "Hello, good morning, let me know if you... have a question or something..."  A man sat behind a clerk, his hat covering his eyes and his legs propped up on the counter. I hastily stumbled around, grabbing a pair of tight shorts and a crop top.

Yadda yadda, bought them, ya get the jist. Now I was actually decent. I checked the time. "Six thirty-seven.... I guess I could go for a coffee.... jeez."  My mind was still being thrown into last night for minutes at a time, my legs always shivering and nearly tapping out from the muscle memory ALONE of what she did to me. I thought I wouldn't even be able to WALK.

When I entered the shop, I saw nothing but a woman with a notepad talking to a tall..... REALLY tall... pitch-white skinned man... with a fedora. And a trench coat.  ", people have weird taste nowadays-"  I said to myself, averting my attention and walking up to the counter. 

"Welcome to Sandré Café, how can we brighten your day?"  The lady working the counter asked me. Goddamn, does she have some knockers....  "Just a.... uhh... know what- surprise me, I'm too tired to really.... euuhh..."  I groaned, the aftermath really kicking in now. I would have fallen right there if I wasn't leaning against this dull-ass counter.

She confirmed my "order", and walked away. I took the opportunity of near seclusion to drunkly stumble my way over to the nearest booth, faceplanting into it. "*sigh* Fuck my life....."  Seems like Toga really did fuck my body up. Literally...

Something around 7 minutes passed, and my order was finally given to me. I was slumped over the table at that point and was more than delighted to get any form of hydration.

After the guy walked away, I gripped the cup with all the strength I could even muster, sitting up ever so slightly and began chugging the fuck out of the cold brew. I was violated for an hour AT LEAST, and the only drink I got was a fucking cum shot from a not even biological DICK.

In just 10 seconds I downed the entire cup. It was the largest size they had. I smacked the cup down and panted heavily. I was too tired to give a shit about how much I just drank in one sitting, I needed that.

After a minute or two, the tall, literally white man walked over to me. I didn't bother looking up at him, but he placed a single dark purple rose in front of me. I glanced at it as the man slowly walked away, the light in the café flickered and.... the guy weirdly just... disappeared.

"...I'm going fucking insane-"  I get up from the table and leave the rose, letting out a sigh.

Writer's block + Motivation issues. Please comment ideas for future chapters, I really fucking need you to give me some good content here guys. All this is is a preview.

(Also I really appreciate the support guys)

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