Random Fun Headcanons

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• Knuckle names his dogs after important people in his life (Morel, Shoot, Knov, Gon, etc)

• Gon and Killua love Hakoware (when it isn't attached to them obviously) and Knuckle summons it just for Killua and Gon to play with it

• Alluka called Gon her big brother once and Gon and Killua literally started crying

• Shoot is a cat person and Knuckle lost his mind when he found out

• Killua has a LOT of piercings

• When Knuckle is super angry, not only does Morel make smoke clones of him but also makes smoke clones of dogs to calm him down

• If Hisoka and Illumi ever got their hands on a child, which I hope never happens, they would name them something like Ace (like cards) or something that has to do with their nen abilities

• Killua accidentally called Mito mom once without realizing it and it made her tear up

• Neon definitely hit on Kurapika and had a lil crush on him but little does she know, he's gay and hates her for buying his clan's eyes

• When Pariston died, Cheadle definitely laughed or cried happy tears

• Hisoka and Pariston exchange makeup tips

• Gon calls Kite "Uncle Kite" (yes even in his new form- I think Kite, despite his female appearance now, would use he/him pronouns still because he never chose to transition/ become a female)

• Killua and Bisky regularly talk and she's actually a big part of Killua's life

• Gon's favorite snack is goldfish and Leorio and Kurapika have some in their pantry 24/7 for when he comes to visit

• Killua has no idea how to cook, do laundry, clean anything, etc and Kurapika tries to teach him but he just doesn't listen

• Even though Hisoka's thing is cards, he sucks at card games and Illumi beats him at every game they play

• Alluka's favorite store is Justice. That store literally scares Killua and he always asks one of the other three to take her

• When Leorio punched Ging, it was broadcasted on TV obviously. When Kurapika saw the clip he literally started screaming "YES!" and was so proud of Leorio and happy Ging got punched in the face

• Kurapika and Killua would definitely be multi-lingual. I think Killua was forced to learn new languages for being an assassin, blending in, etc. Kurapika learned them to help him on his travels to find the spiders and through his avid reading

• Hisoka likes to do Illumi's makeup but he very rarely allows Hisoka to do so

• Gon's favorite candy is probably starbursts or skittles, something fruity or gummy. Killua thinks it's the most disgusting thing ever and sticks to his chocolate and lollipops

• Cheadle's favorite insult to use against Pariston was Rat Bastard

• Alluka loves to draw, and she's really really good at it. Killua hangs up every single one of her drawings

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