Core Four Headcanons (roommate version)

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• They love to all go sit on the roof and talk and whenever one of them are upset, that's where they go

• Kurapika makes them do spring cleaning and the other three hate it

• When they're all bickering, there's only two possibilities that can happen:
Gon and Killua vs. Kurapika and Leorio (duo vs duo)
Gon and Leorio vs. Kurapika and Killua (loveable dorks vs voices of reason)

• Gon and Killua eat them out of house and home. It drives Leorio crazy when he looks for chips while studying and Gon and Killua have eaten them all

• They all have set chores: Leorio does everyone's laundry, Gon does the dishes, Kurapika (usually) cooks meals, and Killua does nothing because he doesn't know how to do anything

• When they all go grocery shopping, it's a multi-hour experience of Kurapika telling the other three no to boundless amounts of junk food- Which results in a fight, which ends in Kurapika buying alcohol and energy drinks and the other three getting their junk food

• On the weekends that Leorio and Kurapika don't have to work, they go on road trips. Gon always wants to go to the beach and that's where they usually end up going

• Killua blasts music 24/7, either out loud or through his headphones to the point where he can't hear the other three screaming at him to turn it down

• Kurapika LOVES watching true crime documentaries, and Leorio and Killua will join in occasionally and they'll all theorize on who did it. It scares poor Gon so much he has nightmares but he watches anyways because he just wants to be with the other three

• The power went out once and everyone freaked out. Killua walked around scaring people, Gon and Leorio specifically (Kurapika is too dead inside to get scared), Leorio is trying to get the power back on, Kurapika is running around lighting candles etc, and Gon is huddled in a blanket because Killua scared him so much

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