Cute Killugon Headcanons

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• If Ging and Killua ever were to meet, Killua would be a little bitch and wouldn't even TRY to get Ging's approval or on his good side. He'd just call his ass out for being the worst father (and person), he'd tell Ging everything about Gon and his adventures and be like "yeah we didn't need you then bitch and we don't need you now", he'd threaten to kill him if he ever leaves Gon again, he'd be like "yeah I could be you any day old man"- in summary he'd just be a little bitch. Ging, despite Killua's best intentions, actually really likes Killua and thinks he's brave asf for standing up to him or he just thinks he's joking lmafo. Meanwhile Gon is in the Corner almost crying because his two favorite people (besides Mito) are in the same room

• You cant tell me that these two would not absolutely love the fuck out of those huge arcades with laser tag, mini golf, go karts, etc. They would compete with EVERYTHING

• When (or if) they get their drivers licenses, all they would do is race each other or argue who's driving. Or, alternatively, Gon and Killua agree that only one of them needs to get a license and the one will drive them around

• Can you imagine them going to a Zoo or Aquarium and being so fascinated with all the animals there

• [when they're just friends] People ask them all the damn time if they're dating and Killua gets so red and just can't form coherent words or thoughts. Meanwhile Gon is just like "nope! We're just the bestest friends!"

• Can we all just take a moment to imagine them switching hairstyles? Gon's hair is down and fluffy, styled by Killua. Killua's hair is gelled up and styled by Gon I- it's cursed 😐

• I feel like (when Leorio isn't around) they will patch each other up when the other is hurt

• I've said this before and I'll say it again, I think Killua grows his hair out when he's older (like late teens early twenties) and tell me Gon wouldn't constantly pester him if he can braid it

• They spray whipped cream right into each other's mouths from the can and then it turns into them spraying it everywhere and having an all out battle I stg (I used to do this with my cousins when I visited them and holy shit their parents would chew us out for an hour about making such a huge mess but it was so fun)

• Gon ALWAYS wants to hold hands and hug Killua and Killua's fine with it but damn he's one clingy bitch

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