Core Four Headcanons (roommate version)

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• Killua tried to cook dinner once because everyone else said he wouldn't be able to. He almost burnt the building down and Kurapika literally had to use the fire extinguisher

• There has been so many instances where they all get up in the middle of the night at the same time (unknowingly) and they're all like- "why are you guys awake"

• Anytime Kurapika is late getting home (like 2+ hours late) the other three get scared he left again and isn't coming back, Leorio especially

• They absolutely LOVE watching the office together. Most of the jokes go over Gon's head but he still enjoys it

• Gon did the laundry once and turned everyone's clothes green lmao

• They have a mug collection of all the places they've gone to. Anytime Kurapika goes on a trip for work, the other three beg him to bring back a mug and he always does

• Leorio gets up SUPER early to decorate the apartment for everyone's birthdays and make/pick them up a cake and presents

• Leorio and Kurapika have a very strict "no nen in the house" rule and it's usually Killua who breaks it

• Gon likes to make little drawings and Leorio hangs everyone one of them on the fridge

• Leorio is always reminding them to drink water, eat properly, etc. Anytime Killua or someone grabs a soda or energy drink he's right over their shoulder just like "why not try some water??" (I love him)

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