Random Fun Headcanons

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• Leorio's hands are so dry because he is always washing them (doctor things). He always needs hand lotion and his favorite scent is like lavender or some flowery scent

• Hisoka makes Illumi watch fashion runway with him

• Kite twirls his hair around his finger/plays with it when he's nervous

• Kalluto is really good at origami and leaves little paper animals all around the troupe's hideout

• Leorio 10000% takes those "are you straight or gay?" tests and purposefully chooses the stereotypical straight answers to make sure his results aren't gay HDHEHEH (please tell me other gay kids did this and it wasn't just me)

• Feitan and Kalluto get along REALLY well and are always competing with each other. The rest of the troupe always jokes around that Kalluto is a mini Feitan (this is NOT me shipping them in any way shape or form- Kalluto is 10 guys and Feitan is an adult. I'm just saying they probably get along)

• Amane listens to girl in red

• Killua sings in the shower. Not just light humming, no, he belts his favorite songs (*cough*cough* Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny)

• Also, somewhat related, I feel like Killua would use really really fruity and sweet shampoo/conditioner (like the garner fructis green one) and his hair would always smell so good. He takes really good care of his hair because Alluka likes to play with it

• Anyone else think Killua would wear a lot of rings and have SO MANY piercings?

• Mito really likes Killua. Mostly for the reason that she can tell he's protective of him and he'll promise to watch over him. If she can't be there with Gon to protect him, she's glad he has someone to do so

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