
581 12 8

notes: twenty short chunks to please the children... you are the children also you're mina's bitch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

word count: 2210


"pussies are like flesh tacos." y/n said, face red from the blood that had fallen to her head as she was laid upside down on the dorm couch.

"woah," kaminari said, eyes wide while y/n seemed to be falling asleep, "does that mean dicks are hot dogs? the foreskin is like the breading on the... what are they called?".

"corn dog's." y/n said body sliding down making her head hit the ground.

"oh," kaminari looked over to his friend before speaking once again, "i like corn dogs and tacos.".


y/n was walking into class when she saw bakugo sitting at his desk while the rest of his squad was a couple feet away. she slowly made her way over and tossed her bag at his face.

"you look like a lonely bitch, deadass." she said, getting an annoyed glare from the boy. "what, kiri wouldn't give you head last night?" she asked sarcastically, taking a seat in toru's spot after making sure she wasn't there.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked quietly, the soft threatening tone didn't effect the girl as she shrugged.

catching her bag when bakugo threw it back at her she sighed, "ever since kami came out to me i've been thinking about all kinds of gay shit.".

bakugo groaned, "you always think about gay shit when mina's around so that's not new.".


momo walked into y/n's room to see the girl laying face down on her floor.

she was silent for a second before peeking her head back out to see if mina was close by. "umm, y/n? you alright?" she asked after looking back in the room and at the girl.

a shake of her head made momo's forehead wrinkle before she stepped in and closed the door behind her. she rubbed the girls back and engorged her to take a couple breaths and that if she wanted to talk she could.

"mina wrecked my taco." the mumble was clouded by the floor but momo could still make out the words, though she doubted what she thought she heard was correct.



tsu and tokoyami sat at opposite sides of the dorm couch and all though they thought they were alone, neither jumped when a loud scream broke the silence.

"was that y/n?" tokoyami asked, getting a nod from tsu who continued to read her book.

"she's been trying to do the knife challenge that goes along with a song, kero." the girl said, just nearly getting by without being interrupted by yet another scream, "she said her and todoroki were bonding."


"sero," the voice alone made the male sigh.

"yeah, y/n?" he was damn sure he was prepared for whatever bullshit was about to come out of her but he was sadly mistaken.

"do you ever think about how water is just precipitated back and forth from the ground to the sky. how there's a theory that water has memory, do you think if all the water on the planet was to combine it would become sentient? or that maybe water is stuck the way it is and combining water from two separate places is like mixing up humans into a single stew?" she paused for a moment but not because sero was looking at her like she was half naked, which she was but that's besides the point.

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