ew its the bird man

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𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 - daddy gets murdered so you can replace him with a real daddy ;)

𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜 - i don't like him

𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 790


remember when you were a kid?

holding hands with your parents as you walked through town. the wind in your hair as the hot summer sun shined high in the sky.

ice cream melting and children giggling. the select few that cried due to not convincing their parents to buy them some toy they saw.

the little girls swinging on the swing set. the lone boy chasing a ball on the small field. the group of siblings playing in the sandbox. the boys who would climb and complete the jungle gym, making up little games to play for passing time.

socializing was something most kids learned to do at a young age. whether it was with their family or with kids they met through school or fun outings, they still got to socialize.

all but little y/n.

the rich girl who lives on the top of the hill overlooking most of the town. her small five year old body connected to her powerful fathers through their hands.

walking hand in hand, two of the lone richest civilians in japan.

daddy big bucks and his quiet little princess, heir to the family business once he passes.

once he passes.

he passed.

he's dead and guess what?

he died at the hands of his sweet, innocent, quiet, and once very obedient, little princess.

y/n murked her father on her sixteenth birthday.

talk about a celebration.

"arrange the funeral for the fifth of next month." she said quietly, her personal bodyguard for ten years nodding and walking away. gliding down the hallway to arrange a traditional funeral.

"do you mind if i take the body?" her close friend and assistant asked, her heels tapping against the marble floor.

"go ahead, burn him up in the basement furnace. put his ashes in the vase mother used for her roses." y/n instructed, remembering how her father always hated the beautiful roses her mother once loved.

"he was allergic to roses, was he not?" the assistant asked, zipping up the black and now full body bag.

"he would always sneeze when we walked the garden." y/n mumbled, looking back on her now past life.

she was free now.

free from her over protective father. free from the colleagues he had, the older men that couldn't keep their eyes to themselves when she was around.

"send in the twelve. make sure they know not to leave a single soul alive." she said after turning to her head maid.

"yes, milady.".






both young adults looked at each other from across the long table. the beautifully handcrafted wooden table sat under only a couple platers of food.

two half filled wine glasses, one with deep, almost blood like, red wine. the other holding a clear and bubbly intoxicating wine.

the perfect date, yes?

"i came here to borrow your twelve, as you call them, not to sit and chat over brunch." kai said, his honey gold eyes digging under the young lady's skin.

"i'm twenty-two now, kai, don't take me for a fool. also, i would hardly call this brunch." she picked up her glass of wine with her gloved hand, taking a sip while maintaining eye contact. "we're drinking wine for gods sake.".

a small huff from kai was all she needed to know she metaphorically pitched him. she smirked and tipped her head back, the gold and ruby detailed necklace shifting on her bare skin.

"how long do you need them?" she asked.

"two week at max, and depending on how fast they finish the job they'll be with me for much less." he spoke up when she started talking about the topic he went there about.

"give me an estimate of how much danger they'll be in." she said and he sighed.

"you shouldn't care about their safety.".

"maybe you should leave.".

kai groaned internally.

"i'd say a three or a two." he said, causing y/n to crack her knuckles.

"one being safe and sound, ten being they're all gonna die." she got a quick 'yes' in reply. "they'll need a run down of your plan, i'll get ai to tell them they have a meeting with us both on saturday." kai nodded along, knowing he wouldn't get a say in this part.

"what time?".

"what works best for you? nine or after?".

"i'd prefer eight so they can get back here as soon as possible." y/n smiled at her fellow criminal, her gloved finger tracing the rim of her wine glass.

"you sure are good at making deals and friends.".

"i'd hardly call us friends.".


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