aizawa shota - platonic

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𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 - spoilers

𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜  this was just supposed to be aizawa and his daughter having a little talk about her leaving for a year or two but then.....

𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 1006

: )

a normal day quickly turned into a very curious one when class 1-a watched their teacher pause the lesson and leave the room to take a phone call.

"he's never done that before." one of the students whispered.

"you think something important happened?" another asked.

the class rep cleared his throat. "we should continue to read over the passages aizawa sensei handed out." he spoke, quieting the class down for now.

then, present mic came in, aizawa no where to be seen in the hallway.

"did something happen to aizawa sensei?" mina asked quickly, her voice loud with worry.

"aizawa will be back here by the end of class." hizashi said, looking at iida for some help. "ok, class rep, let's have you lead the class on how heroes should behave in a natural disaster situation."

just down the hallway was aizawa walking his way to the doors of the school. groaning internally when he saw his daughter at the entrance.

"what do you need?" he asked, after opening the doors to the school and waving for her to follow him. "you know i had a class, right?" his question might as well have fallen on deaf ears.

"the underground hero association wants me to leave for a mission." y/n said, fiddling with her hands as they walked to where she assumed was the teachers office.

"couldn't this have waited then? we live under the same roof, y/n. the next time you need to speak to me tell me after i get home." he spoke with a plain voice, his daughter cringing slightly as she knew he would soon take back those words.

"i wanted your input before i decided." she started off, as they made it to the teachers office. desks pushed against one another with chairs pushed into them, papers stacked on top of one another.

"they want me to leave today at 1:00. i have till 12:30 to decide whether or not i want to fly to america and stay there for a year." her words, though short and simple, held much more then any outsider could understand.

the two aizawa's would only separate for hours at a time not months. heck, the two went patrolling together whenever they could. ever since shota saved y/n from the hell hole called an orphanage they've been stuck at the hip.

"it's basically a huge stealth mission. they promised me a place to stay and a good pay that i can use for food." she explained further, raking her hands through her hair as she sat a the desk next to her fathers.

they sat facing each other, one plain faced the other with a slight worried expression.

"i didn't mean to bother you at work." y/n said, once the past words had come out she thought over them realizing she sounded like a child going on a field trip, she tried apologizing. "sorry, i shouldn't have came here. i could have texted you and waited."

her apology was cut short by a soft sigh. "do you want to go?" shota asked quietly, his dark eyes sliding up to meet that of his daughter's.

she nodded hesitantly.

"who will you be working with?" he asked, getting a small smile from y/n.

"i asked and they told me two rising heroes from the second top hero school in america. their hero names are black rain and sugar rush." she spoke softly and with a small quiver, something shota had tried to get her to change but the man grew accustom to the accidental habit.

he hummed and nodded, a small sign of approval. y/n smiled and stood, her father following soon after, she hugged him tightly and he returned it. though she couldn't see it, a gentle smile rested on shota's face as they hugged.

he loves the young hero with all his heart.

she is one of his only weaknesses.




he has another weakness.


the small girl with white hair and red eyes. scars lining her arms and legs and a permanent expression of fear.

when y/n returned she wasn't expecting to find a little sister.

oh, but when she did, her excitement was through the roof.

"eri, are you ready to go?" y/n asked the small girl as she walked to her room.

"yeah!" the now bright and happy little girl smiled up at her older sister with pure glee. "are we going to see, papa?" she asked, referring to their shared father figure... and legal parent.

y/n smiled down at her. "yep!"

after a hard year of hiding around corners and risking her life, y/n returned to her home with fresh scars and a new mind.

her body was more toned then before, climbing and fighting will do that to you. she also learned to play piano and the basics of modern dance. skills for a spy and assassin.

"we're going on a mission, start the count down!" both girls sang merrily as y/n drove and eri sat in the back seat. the soundtrack to an old kids show played from the radio as they drove down street after street all the way to u.a.

"wow, this place change a bit!" the last time y/n was at u.a. was a year plus a week or two exactly. that was when she came to get her fathers advice on what she should do, take the mission or not?

she wished she hadn't.

she could have been there to fight in the war along side her father. she could have protected him.

but no, they both agreed that she should go. she should have seen it coming. the league of villains attacking his class twice before should have told her that that was just the beginning of their living hell.

: )

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