iida (platonic)

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notes: this is definitely not inspired by a child named remy and his bodyguard named vasquez from a kids show i have grown to like... definitely not

word count: 389


y/n stood with her back to a large and nice white door, the room she stood in was a bedroom fit for a prince. large bed, posters of heroes, books upon books and anything else necessary for a bedroom.

"y/n, i'm done!" a happy voice called from the other side, she opened the door letting a young boy walk out with a skip in his step.

"are you ready to leave, master tenya?" she asked, one hand on the door knob the other resting against her back.

the boy turned to her and nodded, smile as bright as the sun. the woman closed the bathroom door, adjusting her black tinted glasses as she followed close behind the boy she was in charge of protecting.

"y/n, do you think tensei will be happy to see us?" he asked, looking up to the taller woman as they continued walking.

she looked down to him, a small smile gracing her usual stone cold and dry features, "of course he will. who wouldn't be glad to see their precious little brother?" she said, getting a small giggle from her charge.


the whether was cold and chilly, tenya was given an extra coat to keep warm as the two stood by their limousine waiting outside of ua. "are you cold, master tenya?" y/n asked, getting a small 'no' from the boy.

"are you sure?" she asked again, the child smiling up to her and nodding his head.

"i'm sure, y/n" he said, looking back to the school awaiting his brother.

they heard the bell ring, tenya's smile growing as students passed them. "tenya!" someone shouted, looking up the two saw tensei jogging over waving his hand, "hey!"

"tensei, we're here to pick you up!" the younger iida said, giggling as his brother ruffled his hair.

y/n watched, smile soft as the brothers talked.

"let's get in the car, boys. it's too chilly out here for you both." she said, opening the door and helping tenya get in before tensei crawled in.

the bodyguard drove the boys home as they talked, both more than happy to see the other.


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