kaminari - platonic

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note: teen mom times bc this boy has a single mother who was a teen mom and nobody can say shit to prove me wrong

word count: 1158


"buddy, come on!" y/n called, hearing a shriek of joy come from around the corner.

the young blonde flew into his mother's arms, smile stretched along his cheeks while his grandmother chuckled.

"he seems to have missed you, dear." the older woman said, ruffling the boys hair as he giggled.

"thanks for sitting again, mom." y/n said, giving her mother a side hug and kissing her cheek. denki hugged his grandma before the two left her house, the boy babbling about what they did while his mother was at work.

being a single mom is hard, being a young mom is even harder especially when you get judging glares from older parents.

y/n looks like she could be her sons sister, she's often mistaken as his sister by teachers and cashiers who feel the need to comment on their age difference.

"you smell like cookies, bud. did you guys bake some?" she asked as she buckled the boy in his seat.

he nodded, saying something about ginger snaps and chocolate chip cookies. "delicious!" he shouted like a little demon, but all y/n did was laugh and smile at the boy.

she looked tired, bags hanging under her eyes with sore arms and feet.

"are you still hungry for dinner, den?" she asked, starting to drive back home.

"yes yes!" he shouted, eyes sparkling as he cheered, "mommy food!"

his mom couldn't help but chuckle, her son was the only person that could ever make her smile when she was exhausted. she could be balling her eyes out and all the boy would have to do is smile and she'd do it right back.

she loves her son, with all her heart.

"ok, you find kitty and i'll start dinner." she said, setting her bag and son down as they made it home to their apartment.

"ok!" the boy waddled off, ducking down and looking under every surface he could to find the cat.

y/n turned to the archway connecting the kitchen to the living room, while stirring the boiling water and noodles she smiled when she caught denki holding the cat.

the adult tabby seemed to not care as the boy bound over to the kitchen, not stepping on the tile floor tile his mom said he could.

"good job, bud. you wanna give him a treat now?" taking the spoon from the water she grabbed a treat, giving it to the boy who crouched and carefully extended his hand for the cat to take the treat.

she watched as he sat, trying not to move as the cat slowly took the treat before leaving to eat his actual food.

denki turned to his mom, smile stretched on his lips and she grabbed a stool for him to stand on. motioning for him to come over, he happily walked in the kitchen.

he sat and watched his mom cook, as she was chopping up vegetables she'd hand him some small bites for him to munch on.

he loved watching her cook, even as he grew up and stayed out later to hang out with friends, he'd always try to make it back to help her cook or just watch.

he, unlike his mother who works as a chef, was never able to cook a good edible meal. he always tried, practicing so he could surprise her on her birthday or for mothers day.

"kaminari you can't just add salt for spice." mina said, eyes narrowing as she judged the boy.

bakugo smack his head, eyes not swaying from the meat and vegetables he was cooking. "don't just add things because you think you should, that's how you fuck things up." he said, taking a second to glare at the other blonde.

kaminari sighed, flopping back onto sero who laughed and let him stay on him.

"how am i supposed to impress her if i can't even make it myself?" he asked, hands going up just to fall back to his sides with a groan.

"maybe follow the directions?" kirishima offered, head resting on his hand. mina chuckled while kaminari glared at the two.

"i do! but something always goes wrong." he said, standing up to watch bakugo cook.

"start then, if you do something stupid i'll hit you." bakugo said, kaminari's eyes widening.

"really?" he asked.

bakugo shrugged, "if it'll stop you from complaining every two seconds than yeah."

kaminari hugged his friend, bakugo holding himself back from blasting the boy off of him.

they started cooking and once the food was done and ready kaminari had been smacked around twelve times. although he did have a headache by now, he was happy with himself.

the food looked great, it was his moms favorite meal and he was nervous for her to try it. "ok, now we just have to wait for mom to get home." he said, turning to his friends who nodded.

"can we eat the leftovers now?" sero asked, pointing to the extra food kaminari had accidentally made.

while kaminari slid the plate over to sero, kirishima looked at his phone, "she'll be here in like, seconds." he said, getting up to unlock the door for the woman.

now was the time for the boy to panic, "what if she doesn't like it?" he asked, starring off into space.

"she'll like it," mina said, hand landing on his shoulders to comfort him.

"she's the type to like it no matter what, whether or not it's good." sero said with a mouth full of food.

the door opened, kirishima was the first to welcome her home while the rest all called out to her from the kitchen.

she was still in her work clothes, the all white uniform from the top restaurant in japan. as she sat down her bag, walking into the suburban family house she said hi to each of the teens.

walking into the kitchen, her eyes widened.

it smelled delightful, for someone who worked with food everyday of her life for seventeen years, this was the best smelling food she'd ever seen.

"that smells amazing, who was cooking?" she asked, seeing sero eating a plate full sitting at the island with mina and kirishima.

stood in the kitchen was her son and bakugo, the lighter blonde seemed like he didn't care much, but the small almond microscopic smirk on his lips said otherwise.

"i made it, for mothers day." denki said, smiling at his mom. she saw right through his brave act, smile slipping onto her lips as she hugged the boy giving him a good squeeze.

"it's perfect, bud. i'm really impressed, you know?" she praised, kissing the top of his head.

she still looked as young as ever, only in her early thirties with her teenage son.


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