todoroki shoto platonic

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notes: soulmate au, reader likes girls in some way

based off a book i was gonna make but decide there wasn't enough plot to actually write for

word count: 399


"do you ever get the urge to just run away?" y/n asked, eyes set on the sky above them as todoroki tilted his head.

"sometimes, not as much lately." he responded, getting a hum from the other, "and you?"

they closed their eyes, todoroki turned his head, the grass he was laying on moving and poking his skin as his eyes were placed on the others side profile. their mouth opened, words coming out but todoroki couldn't hear what they were saying as his eyes watched theirs drag along the red string connecting their pinky's.

"i don't wanna leave anyone behind. i don't want someone to feel like they've been left like i have, it hurts but i'll do anything for the ones that make me stay."

the next day in the same spot, just like clockwork the two met and silently sat on the grassy hill just on the outskirts of their shared high school.

they both felt broken but in different ways, one was fighting the urge to cut off all family the other wanting nothing more than to change their name and run.

"if i ever did runaway," y/n started, "i wouldn't be able to do it alone." they said, holding their hand up and comparing the size to that of the clouds.

"who would you take?" the boy asked.

"someone, probably a girl." they said, pinky twitching when todoroki sighed.

"i'd bring a friend, midoriya and momo don't seem like they'd ever run away but if they didn't i would join. same with iida." he said, hands rubbing together as they laid in a now comforting silence.

"we're friends, right?" y/n asked, head turning to todoroki.

he turned to her, a small smile reaching his lips, "i would never wish for anything less or more. we're made to be friends, y/n." he said, successfully getting the other to let out a heavy breath they'd been holding.

"thank you, shoto." they said, happy to have met the person that completed them. happy they were able to have such an amazing soulmate.

platonically, the two were in love. and nothing can break the connection between soulmates, not even new loves platonic or not.


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