natsuo todoroki

454 3 0

notes: the boy, i love him and last night i realized it's because we're pretty similar

word count: 1285


"this is gonna be so fun." fuyumi cheered, clutching onto y/n's sleeve as the two walking to the older girls house.

"i'm excited to see morning fuyumi. from what yoshi has said you're pretty testy." y/n teased, getting the other to frown and pout.

"stop, that's only because she woke me up early." she whined, the two high school students laughing and giggling all the way over to the todoroki residency.

as the two made it to the door fuyumi unlocked it and let y/n in, but before she could close the door completely the sound of someone running caught their attention.

"sis, wait! don't lock the door, i forgot my key." a boy called out, fuyumi turned to y/n and rolled her eyes playfully, smirking as she nodded her head towards her bedroom.

y/n stole a glance outside, seeing a boy around her age running towards the house. brushing off the exchange, she headed up to fuyumi's room.

"sorry about my brother." fuyumi apologized, shutting the door behind her as she entered her room, "he's so forgetful. i'm surprised he gets to school in time."

the two laughed, "does he go to the same school as us?" y/n asked, dropping her phone next the where she sat.

fuyumi nodded, "he's a junior, a year younger than us."

"i wish we were still juniors." y/n said quietly, a small smile tugging on her lips, "remember the first time you came over to my place and you fell down the stairs?"

fuyumi groaned, "don't remind me! your parents were so confused, they thought i was an intruder or something!" she shrieked, throwing her hands out before flopping onto the bed.

y/n laughed at her friend, rubbing her back and cooing, "is the big baby done with her tantrum?" she teased, getting a glare from the white haired girl.

"let's go watch a movie, then maybe you won't be so mean to me." fuyumi said jokingly, stealing a glance at her friend before shoving her softly then running off.

"hey!" y/n shouted, chasing after her friends giggling form as she rounded corners. "fuyumi you-" y/n didn't get to finish her lighthearted insult, colliding with what felt like a mattress.

both y/n and natsuo groaned as they fell, natsuo landing on his back while y/n rolled over him and hit the wall.

"what the heck?" the boy said, cradling his head while fuyumi's giggles still rang through the halls.

"sorry, are you alright?" y/n asked, seeing the boy hunched over.

"i'm fine," he said, glancing over his shoulder he saw y/n, "your fuyumi's friend, right?" he asked, getting a smirk from the girl.

"who else would i be, snowflake?" she asked, laughing at his confused expression before running off to find her friend.

"she's so pretty." y/n said, swooning as encanto played on the tv.

fuyumi chuckled, laughing at her friend as she fell for almost every character in the movie.

"you fall for literally everyone you meet." fuyumi said, rolling her eyes and smiling while y/n glared.

"i do not." she said, crossing her arms in defense.

"you flirt with half of our friends." fuyumi challenged, this time y/n sat there with a pout as her eyebrows twisted.

"as jokes." she tried meekly, shrugging her shoulders before gasping as the tv changed from the movie to some documentary, "what the fuck!"

"nat!" fuyumi scolded, sitting up and throwing a pillow at the boy, "we were watching that."

"didn't really look like it." he shrugged, sitting down in a chair with a bag of chips.

both girls starred at him with absolute disgust before fuyumi stood and slapped the back of his head while y/n grabbed the chips.

"fucking men." both girls grunted, storming off while the boy sat in surprise. he had expected to be able to get away with that with fuyumi's friend being over, usually she's extremely polite when her friends come over.

he turned and hear yelling, it sounded like lyrics being screamed poorly. he frowned, realizing this girl was probably a friend she made on her own accord rather than a daughter of some wealthy man wanting to befriend endeavor.

"she must actually like her." he whispered to himself, then grimaced. "how?"


a month or two later, y/n had memorized the floor plan of the house and had started to practicality live at the todoroki's.

she was now to the point of friendship where she took food as she pleased, came home with fuyumi without asking because her parents knew she would be over there, and with her always being over there, her and natsuo have now grown their own relationship.

they hate each other.

y/n teases him constantly, fuyumi told him that's just how she is and that even she isn't spared from y/n's jokes. y/n finds him to be a pest, always interrupting the two friends while they're hanging out.


"ugh!" y/n groaned and flopped on the floor, glaring over at natsuo.

"dramatic much?" he asked, giving her an annoyed look even though he was the one interrupting the girls study time.

"annoying much?" she snapped, glaring right back at the boy.

"what do you need, nat?" fuyumi asked, coming between the two to halt their little argument.

"do you need anything from the store? i'm gonna head out to get noodles." he asked, mood taking a 180° from how he had been acting with y/n.

while fuyumi shrugged and answered, y/n watched with an open mouth and wide eyes. he eventually left, and when he did y/n sat up and watched her friend with the same expression.

"what?" fuyumi asked, giggling at y/n's face.

"you didn't stick up for me." she pouted, leaning on the table with a frown.

"in my defense, you were both being pretty annoying." she said, watching as the girl jumped in her spot then flopped right back down.

"maybe i won't stay the night then." she said, tilting her head up to playfully glare at fuyumi.

"yeah right." the girl said, hearing y/n gasp in offense, "come on, let finish the english assignment."

y/n did end up staying the night, waking up before fuyumi she went down to the kitchen to grab them both something for breakfast.

there she saw natsuo, sitting at the counter eating cereal while typing on his phone.

"ew," she said, getting the boy to shake his head and groan without even looking up.

"says you." he said, hearing the fridge open he looked up. there he saw the girl he had grown to despise, her hair messy with bed head and her clothes barely hanging on.

she didn't seem to mind, grabbing two waters and setting them in the counter before stretching. his jaw slacked, phone almost falling into his bowl of soggy fruit loops. he never managed to see her as anything but his sisters annoying friend who teased and bullied him. but now, seeing her look so domestic, so strangely calm and tired, it was cute and refreshing.

"peace, snowflake." she said, throwing a napkin at his face before leaving to find fuyumi.

he sighed, pulling up his sisters contact to text her.

he typed out, "y/n is annoying. tell her i said that."

he then took a spoonful of cereal, hearing his phone buzz he picked it up.

a mix of cereal and milk flew out his mouth at the text, it read, "lay off my girlfriend."


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