1-a soccer

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notes: by soccer i mean the one with a white and black ball that is kicked around by feet... i still don't understand how football is named football when the only time someone actually kicks the ball is after a fucking touch down

also this is pretty much commentary not much of them talking and the next one might have a y/n in it but idk

word count: 2258


the class rarely ever knew what to expect from aizawa. he's a good teacher, a great one actually, but the kids never thought they'd be playing sports like they used to during gym class in elementary and middle school. they just thought they'd have to do more training with their quirks rather than playing a game of soccer.

"today class, you'll be playing soccer. we have the purple team and the black team, I've already chosen the teams so when you hear your name come get a uniform and go change.

"on the purple team, jirou, midoriya, sato, koda, mineta, mina, sero, ojirou, tokoyami, and aoyama." one after another all the called kids picked up a uniform and walked down to the changing rooms.

"the rest of you, iida, uraraka, todoroki, bakugo, hagakure, momo, kirishima, shouji, kaminari, and tsuyu, are all on the black team come get a uniform and change then head down to the field."


the soccer field was clean and luckily not muddy, the class was still slightly confused and most of them refused to believe their teacher simply wanted them to play normal soccer.

"aizawa, are we really just gonna play soccer?" mina asked, getting a nod from the man.

"yes, but because this is ua and my class, you're not just playing regular school ground soccer. each of you can use your quirks, use them as you want but be tactical, rely on more than just yourself. you have a team for a reason, and whatever team doesn't win, has to do the chores not only for the dorms but for the classroom as well." he said, getting an objection from iida.

"but sir, cleaning and doing chores builds cleanliness and responsibility for the class! won't this tear us apart more than help us grow together?" he asked, getting a shrug from the teacher.

"if you let a simple game ruin a friendship or bond, that relationship wasn't worth keeping." was what he got before aizawa blew his whistle, "figure out who's goalie and who's team leader, you have ten minutes."

the class was in instant chaos, it was a bit more manageable than when they had to chose class representatives but still many of the head strong students thought the role as leader fit them best.

"i think midoriya should be the leader, he knows the most about everyone's quirk so putting him in the middle with the ball would be the best choice." mina said, getting a couple agreeing nods.

"i wanna be team captain!" mineta said, getting ignored.

"midoriya makes the most sense, to me at least." jirou added in, looking to the boy who seemed to be thinking.

"what do you think, midoriya?" sero asked.

"i was thinking about who the goalie should be, at first i was thinking mina because she could use her quirk to keep others from getting too close to the goal but that wouldn't work for long range attacks." he said, causing the team to agree.

"the goalie needs to be able to prevent both long-range and close rage attacks." sato said, causing midoriya to perk up.

"they'll need good reflects as well, i'm thinking ojirou or tokoyami. they both have good reflects and are good at making beneficial choices under pressure or in a small amount of time." he said, looking at both the boys who shared glances.

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