todoroki shoto

676 15 0

notes: based on the photo above '3'

word count:969


being a student that loves, and excel at writing in a class that focuses on writing, reading, and how differently both can be used from person to person is quite literally the best.

especially when given a whole week and a half to write a five paragraph essay about anything of interest.

it's perfect, pretty much fate.

so when offered the chance to write about a topic that had been swimming in their mind for over a couple days, y/n took it.

"i'm writing about people." is what she would simplify it to, but the topic was much more.

natural love, the bond between people before anything personality wise has been shown, the call of bodies to one another. how easy it is to hug someone, how natural and perfect the fit is for arms to wrap around someone else.

how lips are practically made to show and carry emotions, whether romantic or not.

how hands can hold each other perfectly like a fitted ring to a finger. how when you hug someone you can rest your head on their shoulder and cuddle into their neck.

"it's almost like humans are made to love."

that's the last line and the title, of the essay. y/n wrote this essay in confidence that the only person seeing it would be herself and the teacher present mic, but present mic is present mic.

"who wants to go first? we got see really good reports this time around, i loved each and every one you guys turned in while the four of you that didn't turn one in, didn't like that very much." he said, getting the attention of the class and the nervous glances from the failing students.

"how about we start off with midoriya, he wrote about quirks and the science behind them." the tension in the room grew more than needed for y/n.

it was uncomfortable and stiff, as if everyone was on high alert as if mic may call them up to share.

but when it came around, y/n was almost relived to see their teacher pick up a paper copy of what they assumed was theirs. they were right, mic stood at the front announcing the near end of class but that he wanted one more person to share.

"i hate playing favourites, really, but every year i do this project i remember just how proud i am of a handful of students and their skills in this class. how they write, how they are able to convince the reader to agree with them, how they use different words, their vocabulary, all these things come into play when writing and i'm not even scratching the surface.

"but this one, its my favorite this year. it's moving, it made me think differently, and i adore the way the writer spoke throughout the whole of the essay. it's called, "it's almost like humans are made to love" if the author would like to read it aloud they may, please speak up now, or if you rather me not read it at all please give me a sign."

y/n was conflicted, at first when they saw their essay they thought, "at least i can get it over with." but now, their paper was going to be a whole piece of the class unlike everyone else's.

they couldn't remember one word sato had said during his, only that it was about which cake is the best. they don't remember what momo was even explaining, only that it started to give them a headache almost immediately.

uraraka's was about the planets and that all they knew, and by now midoriya's seemed like it happened last week.

but this is now, at the end of class and a spectral.

"what do i do?" they thought, eyebrows practically hugging and eyes almost closed. they nodded, once mic's obviously happy and proud eyes landed on them it was no longer a question.

if the teacher loves it so much, then the class will most likely hear it sooner or later.

mic smiled widely, a small laugh escaping him as he held the paper slightly tighter. "let me begin," was how he started.

he went on, reading the essay word for word perfectly. if y/n could have read it aloud without messing up, they would have hoped they could read it like mic did.

todoroki listened, he had listened intently to everyone's essays finding them all interesting in one way or another. but with y/n's, theirs was different due to it being something he never thought of.

he wondered if this was something y/n genuinely thought about, in the essay there were parts that you could tell were ramblings of someone who was passionate about the topic.

the bell rang and they were dismissed, todoroki found y/n at their locker ready to ask a question that had grown on the tip of his tongue.

when he stopped, y/n glanced to him, their eyes met and the boy could no longer speak. "todoroki?" they asked, growing slightly concerned for someone they consider a friend.

"i uh," his words seemed to lodge in his throat, unable to move. he cleared his throat and looked away, eyes tracking the steps of other students. "i found your essay interesting, you're a gifted writer." the complement hit them, but they were also stuck on his words.

"mic never said that was my essay." they said, getting a surprised looked from todoroki.

"i could tell it was yours, by the writing. you write the same way you talk. it's unmistakable." this was what got y/n to blush, the complements finally setting in as they both stood flustered at their locker.

"thank you, todoroki."


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