todoroki family

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buttnote: if endeavor was a kinda good father but still a hero so that todoroki's are basically the Kardashians.

people have definitely already done this but i had fun writing for once so enjoy.

word count - 1248


"could not send, dad, what the fuck is up with your wifi?" shoto asked his father as they sat outside the large traditional japanese family house. "you have this big ass house and you can't afford a wifi box out here!"

"it's not about affording," the older man started, stalling for time as his son became even further enraged. "it's about... radiation."

"you're gonna die anyways you understand that, right? die with a good snapchat going through!" shoto shouted, leaving his father outside to go use one of his siblings hotspot.


the todoroki's sat in their large family home, the two eldest of the children standing as the once calm conversation between them turned heated.

"at least i'm not the one fucking one of my siblings childhood friend!" touya yelled at his sister, arm stretching out to point at a visibly uncomfortable kaigo.

"well at least i'm not the one still going through their emo phase at twenty five!" y/n shouted at the man, hand gesturing to his three layers of black clothing, all varying in shade, as well as his poorly done dye job he called hair.

an offended nosie left touya's mouth before he and his sister started to fully fight.


the ringing of a phone caught enji's attention as he sat between touya and shoto in their suv.

"what up, ice lover. were you not gonna call me to say tata?" touya asked his younger brother as he held up his phone.

"what are you talking about?" natsuo questioned the eldest as he waited for fuyumi to pick him up from his college.

"what am i talking about-" touya didn't have time to finish before he was interrupted by his father.

"your brother is going to jail, have a little compassion." enji said, leaning over to talk in the phone before glaring at his youngest. "shoto, would you stop talking pictures of yourself your brother is going to jail."


up in a hospital room somewhere y/n was screaming bloody murder. her mother stood next to her holding her hand while keigo was doing as the nurses told him, hold one of his wife's legs back while she squeezed his arm in a death grip.

"where's that bitch, touya?" she asked as her father entered the room, he ignored the birthing woman instead asking the closest nurse if the delivery was going as planned. "where is he?" she growled, eyes crazed as the pain of giving birth faded despite the child's head being pushed out from her womb.

"you said you didn't want him in here? that he'd only annoy you." rei told her daughter, hand moving to run up and down the arm of the woman not blocking the blood supply to kaigo's hand.

"no, tell that bitch to get in here! i'm gonna force feed him my placenta!" she yelled as a weak scream from hers and kaigo's newborn ripped through the room.


touya sat in the passenger seat of his youngest sisters car, fuyumi huffed when she saw her brother crossing his arms.

"touya, you're old enough to quit acting like a child. the kids i teach have better manners then you." she said, side eyeing her brother.

"that bitch not only married, but fucked my only friend! she's luck i was at their wedding." he mumbled, pouting as they arrived at the family home where their parents and youngest brothers live.

"you can say hi to your niece, touya. y/n said she's pissy just like you so you might even bond with her."


while y/n, keigo, their daughter, and both rei and enji were on their way home, the rest of the family sat in the mansion they grew up in.

shoto was in his room, most likely texting his friends or finishing school work while fuyumi, natsuo, and touya sat down stairs in the living room.

the front doors opened and in came an exhausted y/n, keigo holding her up while enji held the door for them and rei held the baby carrier.

fuyumi was the first up, rushing over to her mother to offer to take the infant off her hands.

touya sat on his phone, throwing a witty remark at y/n who deflected it with her own snide comment.

as the two newly-made parents settled in the living room, fuyumi followed after them holding up the baby carrier before setting it down gently so she could finally hold her niece.

touya acted like he didn't care but with him leaning over fuyumi's shoulder to make faces at the baby, his little charade was hard to believe.

while the family huddled around the newborn, enji was about to climb the stairs to get shoto but his wife beat him to the punch.

rei pressed a button on the intercoms, her voice being projected around the whole house. "shoto todoroki to the foyer, please. i have a surprise for you!" she called, the announcement reaching the boy in a matter of seconds.

with the baby in her arms, fuyumi made her way to her mother's side as they both waited to show the baby of the family his new competition.

while they waited enji left for the kitchen, getting some water for his daughter who seemed to need something other then her siblings terrorizing her right now.

as he walked back to the living room he saw his youngest son turn the corner and start to make his way down the stairs, a small gasp escaping him as he saw what was in his sisters arms.

"is that a chicken?!" he asked excitedly, pace speeding up as he now rushed down the stairs.


fuyumi walked into her older sisters home, the place smelled of fried chicken and broken dreams.

she walked to the living room, seeing y/n hiding under the coffee table while kaigo was passed out on the fireplace.

she heard a pan fall from a cabinet and walked to the kitchen to see her niece trying to flap her wings while her chubby hands held onto the handle of a frying pan.

"ai, sweetheart, do you need any help?" she asked the three year old, being met with bright golden eyes in a near instant.

"can you make me nuggies?" the little girl asked sweetly, red wings sagging as her small feet met the ground.


touya and natsuo sat on the couch, touya snickering when shoto and y/n walked in the female of the two bouncing her daughter in her arms.

"your hair doesn't go with your outfit. you're kinda halloween-y." touya said, pointing at shoto who looked like he was dressed up for said holiday.

"what the fuck is up your ass today, you little rager?" y/n asked, ai gasped while her hands went to cover her mother's mouth, wings flapping wildly as she scolded her mother for cursing.

a lazy grin spread on touya's face, "i put a worm up there, just to make me lose a few pounds."

while shoto looked at his older sibling absolutely disgusted, y/n was distracted by her daughter though she laughed while struggling to keep her hold on ai. the two boys on the couch high fived, both pleased with touya's comeback.


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