14. The Party

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🔹Addison's pov🔹

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I love bacon but eggs ugh they just aren't good to me. I crawled out of bed and put my Minnie Mouse slippers on and walked downstairs. I was so hungry and the smell of the bacon had just overtaken me. Although I hated the taste of eggs and they may have ruined all my breakfast. My dad knows eggs make me cringe but he makes me eat them because he thinks they are good for me. I sat at the table with Hayes following right behind me and sitting next to me.

"Hayo", Hayes said breaking the silence. I just waved I wasn't awake enough to be cheery and happy. I gave him a questionable look because he was unusually happy today.

Dad set a plate in front of Hayes and I mine of course had the most eggs. I quickly swapped plates with Hayes because he didn't have as many he didn't see me because he was to busy watching the floor do absolutely nothing.

"Dad what are we going to do today", I asked.

"Well today we are going to probably just chill here but tonight Nash and the rest of us guys you know Matt, Shawn, the Jacks,Taylor, Aaron,Carter well possibly Aaron sometimes he isn't up for a party", dad said.

"Oh a party sounds fun what should I wear", I asked getting up from the table. Dad laughed at me and I gave him a confused look.

"What", I asked.

"This is an adult party not for kids like you and Hayes", dad said.

"Well where will we be", I asked dad pointing to me and Hayes.

"Your going to Mamma's house", dad said. Mamma was my dads mom A.K.A my grandma.

"Really", said excitedly I love my Mamma she give me cookies and I get to go in my dads old room and look at old stuff he had and I even get to play with Jake.

"Yeah", he said taking a bite of a pancake.

"Why didn't I get a pancake", I asked I kinda whined.

"Because you didn't need one", dad said.

"Yah I did everyone needs a pancake", I said.

"Whatever silly go back a small bag you have to spend the night at Mammas", dad said.

"Wait is Hayes going", I asked.

"Nope he is going to stay at a friends", dad said. How did Hayes already meet friends we haven't even gone to school yet, I thought.

"Okay", I said walking upstairs starting to pack a bag.


I heard the doorbell ring while I was watching spongebob so I paused it and walked downstairs. I saw everyone at the door even Aaron. I thought he wasn't gonna come because you know he isn't really what I call a party person. I saw Matt and jumped on top of him.

"Matt I missed you a million", I cried into his shoulder.

"I missed you to pumpkin pop", Matt said holding me up.

"You've gotten so big", he said spinning me around.

"Yeah dad says I'm almost 4'5", I said.

"Wow", someone said behind me it was Jack Gilinsky.

"Jackie", I said hugging him he always gave me piggy back rides when dad and I were mad at each other.

"Don't forget about someone special", Jack Johnson said.

"JJ", I screamed.

"Who's your favorite singer in the whole world Addie Son", someone said. I knew who it was only one person called me Addie Son and it was Shawn.

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