43.April Fools

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Lately Addison has been showing a lot of rudeness and grumpiness. I've been trying to find out why. It's April 1st and well you know what that means. After I picked kids up from school we went out to eat and shopped a bit.

Addison picked at her food a lot and I kept telling her to stop playing with it.

We we're currently sitting in the car and Addison was in the back with her arms crossed glaring at me.

"Addison when we get home got straight to our room so you understand", I said slightly pissed.

"Whatever", she said.

"Don't fucking push it Addison", I sneered.

"Okay", she said rolling her eyes at me. I was done arguing.

Once we got home Addison got out and so did CJ. Addison slammed the door and stomped the door.

The house was pitch black. I know I didn't leave it like that.

I opened the door to see someone sitting on my couch.


All the lights turned on and she screamed APRIL FOOLS.

"Get out Emily", I said coldly.

"Cam this was a joke I've been prancing you for like 2 weeks but I had to have roots to my prank you would know I was joking if I did it today", she said laughing.

"You're lying", I said. She has to be.

"Come on out girls ", she laughed. My mom Kate and my sister came out laughing.

"Cam it was a prank", Sierra said laughing.

"You were in on it", I said Kinda irritated but softening.

"Yeah", she laughed.

"I hate you", I said pushing her face.

"So this was all a prank and Kate was able to keep it from me", I said.

"Yeah", she laughed.

"Katherine come hear", I said. She came up to me giggling. I picked her up.

"How come I wasn't in on it", CJ whined.

"Because you would've told Addison in one of your fighters to one up her I know it", Emily laughed.

"You a dick", I said to Emily.

"CAMERON", my mom scolded for swearing near Kate.

"Sorry", I said.

"Where's Addison", Sierra asked.

"She's upstairs all mad at me cuz I grounded her for all the disrespect I've been getting", I said.

I guess she was mad that I met a girl at the bar and was going to have her as my girlfriend in thinking but things didn't work out.

"Call her down Cam give her a break", my mom said.

"ADDISON COME DOWNSTAIRS", I yelled. I heard her coming and her eyes lit up when she saw Emily. That's weird.

She ran to her and threw her arms around her.

"Please don't leave again please", she said.

"Addison it was a prank I never was gone I never cheated", she said.

"What", Addison said looking up at her.

"It was a prank for your dad I'm sorry if I made you upset", she said,

"I missed you", she said crying in her shirt.

"AWWW Addison why are you crying", she asked.

"The kids at school this past week were so mean to me and I had no one to talk to about you know girl stuff", she cried.

"Oh Addison", she said squeezing her extra tight.

"I love you okay", she said to her.

"I love you too", she said crying. She looked so cute when she was sad.

"Your still a bitch", I said in her ear.

She laughed.

"I love you Cameron", she laughed. Kissing my lips. Emily then remembered Addison was there and looked at her for permission which I though was cute.

"Go ahead", she said covering her and Kate's eyes.

We made out with each other our tongues fighting for dominance of course I won. I put my hand up her shirt and starting touching her bra (AN:/ KINDA SMUT LOL)

I forgot the kids were there and my mom was in the den she couldn't see us in the kitchen.

"OKAY THATS GOOD", Addison yelled.

I laughed awkwardly so did Emily.

"How about we go out for icecream my treat I did kinda make you go through hell", emily said to Addison.

CJ was definitely all over Emily the rest of the night just like me I think he's a mommas boy!

✌🏼️💖✌🏼💖✌🏼💖✌🏼💖✌🏼💖✌🏼💖 HOW WAS THAT ? I TRICKED YALL

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