Let Me Talk To Him, Yeah?

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I hope all of you can find it in your hearts to continue to give me grace when it comes to updates. Things haven't been easy but they're on their way to being better, I'm sure of it. Of course, thank you for all the support, the votes, the comments, the messages, etc. I'm always thankful for that. I treasure every single notification I receive. All my love and my entire heart goes out to all of you, truly. 

As for this chapter, I'm not quite sure about the quality of it? Feedback would be appreciated, hopefully my attempt at adding a bit of "drama" in a sense, to the story, isn't too bad. Hope you enjoy! More to come in the next few days :)

"Dimitri?" I was stunned by this turn of events, to put it simply

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"Dimitri?" I was stunned by this turn of events, to put it simply.

"Well, I'd bloody hope so, mate! I'd be disappointed were anyone else. Now get here," In seconds I had been pulled apart from Angel and into the arms of the boisterous lad.

"W-What are y-you doing here?" I could almost feel Dimitri roll his eyes from where his head was propped on my shoulder.

He pulled back with a scoff, "Well don't sound too excited to see me then."

Something odd twisted in my stomach when I saw an unsettled expression drawn across Angels' face as I drew back from Dimitri. It's not that I expected her to instantly adore him on my account, I knew he'd been rather disrespectful to her at the beginning of things. Though the idea of his reappearance creating a rift in the serene sense of comfort we had just experienced was off-putting.

"I just, I-I, Hi." Dimitri flashed a blinding grin at me, knocking our shoulders before going in for another hug. I pushed my inhibitions aside and smiled, giving in to his antics easily.

Dimitri and I had found a weird harmony when he first came into my life. He was a year below all of us though this didn't stop us from growing close as we were. He was like a kid brother to me, and I could never see anything disrupting that relationship.

"I've missed you a lot, Z." Dimitri's tone was softer now, much more telling about how he was holding up than the overzealous front he always seemed to sport.

"I-I've missed you too, D." I squeezed him once more for good measure before letting go. He shook his hair out as he stepped back, allowing me to get a real overview of his form.

A frown found its way to my face when I realized how thin he seemed. I didn't want to draw any conclusions without hearing what he had to say, but the worry that had begun eating away inside me was unavoidable.

"How have y-you been?" Dimitri's features faltered for a moment but he caught himself quickly, a tight smile reappearing soon enough.

"I've been dealing, everything's just a sort of shit at the mo, you know how it is." I nodded and brought a hand up to rest on his shoulder.

"Ollie's here actually, he's back with the other lads. That lot has an endless stream of footie chat to catch up on it seems." The eye roll that followed was shared between us.

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